Title: Artificial intelligence applied in business operations
Actually, many business areas use artificial intelligence because of the growing power computational and the of amount data generated in the last years is very representative of the current moment of technology. Nowadays already have multiple machine learning models applied in companies, but now with AI and RPA we can do more for the companies, and AI and RPA make the companies be more competitors with automatization internal processes using computer vision and PNL. New tools for PNL and computer vision can contribute to accelerating the development of new solutions, this brings agility for companies' areas. For example accountants, tax, financial, legal, and other areas. I’m going to talk about how some companies become more competitive using AI and RPA in diverse areas.
Leandro is a degree in databases and business intelligence for FIAP in São Paulo – Brazil. Have more than ten years of job experience with data and AI, and now is an Artificial Intelligence Specialist in IBM Brazil, have a great experience with data and AI projects around entertainment, telecommunications, consulting, schools, e-commerce, insures, risks, government companies, and others. He Published content on websites and magazines in Brazil, was the speaker in IBM events and others events, talking about data, data science, artificial intelligence, and AI applied for business.