
Oct 21-22, 2019    Toronto, Canada

Advances in Biofuels and Bioenergy

Dr. Murari Mohon Roy (canada)
03:00 PM-03:30 PM Hall-1

Dr. Murari Mohon Roy (canada)


Title: Comparison of Water and Glycerine-Emulsified Diesel-Biodiesel Blends and Their Performance and Emissions in a Modern Small DI Diesel Engine

Biography: Murari Mohon Roy Received the Doctor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Kitami Institute of Technology, Japan in 2001. Currently he is serving the Engineering Faculty at Lakehead University, Canada.He has presented or published close to a hundred papers on his research at technical conferences and in ASME, SAE, JSME, IMechE, Elsevier and other journals.