Title: Trust in Artificial Intelligence: What do we know and why is it important?
Summarized descriptive analysis of qualitative data was done and presented in graphs and charts. The cholera surveillance is well situated in the IDSR. The case definition is clear, simple and easy to apply. The system is able to detect cases and notify the next level. The data matches with the case base forms. However, the entries in the case base forms were not complete. Positive predictive value could not be assessed as no single case was confirmed by laboratory test. CBSVs attrition was high in the municipality. However, Community health nurses were used as a replacement for the CBSVs. The system is meeting some of its objectives. The system is simple, flexible and acceptable. The system is fairly representative, stable but the data quality is low. Sentinel surveillance should be implemented as routine training of healthcare workers on reporting and proper documentation of suspected cases.
Narmina Rufat Abdullayeva is a nurse by profession and works with one of the private hospitals in Ghana. He holds a BSc in Nursing and currently pursuing a Master of Philosophy degree in Applied Epidemiology and Diseases Control at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana. Daniel has 2 years of public practice and 3 years of private practices as a nurse. He has also been involved in outbreak investigations of infectious diseases in Ghana. He has presented an abstract on money handling practices among food vendors in the University of Ghana at the 1th TEPHINET conference in Thailand. Daniel grew up in one of the remote villages of Ghana and is passionate about controlling infectious diseases