Title: Efficacy and safety of topical depigmenting agent in healthy human fair skin female volunteers: A Single arm study
The Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care started functioning on June 1st 1965 with Dr A Ganendran as the head of the department. He was appointed as the first Professor of Anaesthesia in Malaysia. Professor Ganendran received his anaesthetic training in Liverpool under Professor T C Gray, a famous pioneer in modern anaesthesia and, in turn, many anaesthetic academic trainees from University Hospital trained at Liverpool. Amongst these trainees were Dr Liew Pak Shim and Associate Professor Peter Kam Chin Aik. Professor Ganendran was a cardiac anaesthetist with a special interest in intensive care and parenteral nutrition.He studied the clinical and biochemical aspects of malathion poisoning in patients admitted into the Intensive Care Unit, for which he gained an MD from Bristol University.
Title: Minimally invasive rejuvenation of the face: compressive microvibration and integrated methodologies
Prof. Bacci è esperto in Medicina Estetica a Firenze.
Si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università di Siena nel 1976 e specializzato prima in Malattie dell’Apparato Cardiovascolare presso l’Università di Firenze (1979) e poi in Chirurgia Generale presso l’Università di Siena (1992). Già Professore a contratto di Chirurgia Estetica e Flebologia all’Università di Siena, dal 1993 al 2011, e Docente in vari corsi universitari a Roma, Firenze e Barcellona , è membro di numerose società mediche, tra cui la Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica SICPRE e la SIME di Medicina Estetica, oltre ad essere consigliere della SIMCRI, Società di Medicina Rigenerativa. Autore di vari lavori e testi scientifici, vede le sue aree di eccellenza nel trattamento delle patologie delle vene e del sistema linfatico, nel trattamento del lipodema e della cellulite con tecniche mininvasive, nel mondo del laser e della medicina rigenerativa.
Title: Classification of complications of Injectables and treatment guide lines
Sabreen Al Zamil is in practice of plastic surgery for 22 years and she is a Consultant plastic surgeon at BMS. MB, bch FAAAM. She is Head of Unit in Al Babtain center of Plastic , reconstructive surgery and Burns. Also was Former tutor at the faculty of Medicine –Kuwait. Also she is the first female Kuwaiti plastic surgeon currently she is the Owner and director of Sabreen Al Zmail clinic.
Title: Implication of Human Bacterial Gut Microbiota on Immune-Mediated Dermatological Hair diseases and Their Remedies: A Narrative Review
Beurena Johnson is a graduate of the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, Georgia where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Information Administration. She also received a Master of Science in Management degree from the North Augusta Campus of Southern Wesleyan University. Her training in the systems of the human body and their functions, assists her in revealing the underlying causes of hair loss. Beurena travels the United States educating cosmetologists on methods to identify hair loss, understanding the causes of hair loss, and ways to properly manage each case. Beurena is the founder of Trichology School of Business and the CEO of Hair and Scalp Hospital. The first Hair Hospital of the CSRA. She is also a member and graduate of World Trichology Society (WTS).
Title: Clinical Evaluation of Chtrakari Rasa and Kushthakalanaltaila in the Management of Svitra (Vitiligo)
Title: Association between heterozygot Val92Met MC1R Gene Polymorphisms with Incidence of Melasma: a study of javanese women population in yogyakarta
Title: The visualization of hair follicles by means of Ultrasound scanner to reduce damage for hair follicles during FUE(follicular unit extraction)
Hak-Kyu Lee received the B.S. degree in physics education from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea. He was with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, Daejeon, from 1990 to 2000, Onetta Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA, from 2000 to 2002, Novera Optics, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA, where he led the research and development of WDM-PON, and Ericsson-LG Inc., Seoul, from 2008 to 2011. In 2011, he joined ChemOptics Inc., Daejeon, and leads the research and development of polymer-based PLC device.