Robert B. Kerstein
Robert B. Kerstein received his D.M.D. degree in 1983, and his Prosthodontic certificate in 1985, both from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. From 1985 - 1998, he maintained an active appointment at Tufts as a clinical professor teaching Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics. In 1984, Dr. Kerstein began studying the original T Scan I technology, and has since that time has also studied T-Scan II, T-Scan III, T-Scan VII, T-Scan 8, T-Scan 9, and now the present-day version, the T-Scan 10 technology. Dr. Kerstein has conducted original research regarding the role that occlusion and lengthy disclusion time plays in the etiology of Chronic Occlusal-Muscle Dysfunction.