
Jun 27-28, 2024    London, UK
15th International Conference on

Dental and Oral Health

Buse Sarpkaya

Buse Sarpkaya




As a result of periodontal or endodontic diseases; local and systemic factors such as tooth extractions, early tooth loss, tumor resections, traumas, some type of developmental anomalies may lead to advanced horizontal and vertical bone resorption in maxilla. Jaw bones that have horizontal and vertical resorption, the retention and resistance of the prosthesis is negatively affected which disrupts the stabilization of the prosthesis and reduces the patient comfort. On the other hand, the reconstruction rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla by using grafts is challenging for several reasons it requires a good surgical technique, high-quality soft tissues covering the graft, and a favorable overall health standard for repair as well as patient cooperation, which involves risk factors. For these reasons, zygomatic implants were introduced by Branemark in 1998 as an alternative treatment option for patients with substantially atrophic maxilla. In the searches conducted by different writers, the survival and success ratio of zygomatic implants reported high in literature. In this case presentation 36 year-old male maxillary edentulous patient with history of long-term prosthesis use applied to our clinic with a desire for improved prosthesis retention and a request for fixed prostheses. The patient, who consumed a considerable amount of alcohol, was found to have a medical history of kidney disease and elevated AST and ALT values. After evaluating the patient’s blood tests and CBCT image, total of 2 zygomatic implants were placed where the level of teeth #24 and #14, under general anesthesia. The bone was determined to be D4 in softness, so to increase the retention region dental implants were placed in the regions of teeth #12, #22, and #18. In the same day temporary fixed prosthesis were placed with surgical procedures. The patient who was edentulous for many years and used removable denture; so in his clinical images there were oral epulis fissuratums. After the osseointegration is complete, epulis fissuratums are removed with diode lasers and vestibul deepening is made at the same session. The patient is given the new total prosthesis after 2 weeks of soft tissue healing. This case report's purpose is to give newsworthy information about a zygomatic implantation made in an edentulous mouth, its indications, advantages and methods.


Buse Sarpkaya is a 3rd year student of Dentistry at Istanbul Kent University and is the delegate of the Turkish Dental Association student branch for the 2024-2026 term. At the same time, she writes for the Toothfriendly Magazine, which is published by the Toothfriendly Association, which is the branch of Toothfriendly International in Turkey, and serves as a substitute supervisory board member of the association.