
Sep 19-20, 2024    London, UK
International Conference on

Dentistry and Craniofacial Research

Marcel Donnet

Marcel Donnet


Title: POWDER technology and more POWER in the dental prevention


Disease prevention and maintenance of good oral health is key to success of in-clinic dental treatments for dental professionals and a healthy, happy life for patients, besides helping reduce pain and expense, more often encountered when the oral hygiene is poor. Preventive dental measures, known as oral prophylaxis are offered by dental professionals and extend to measures that patients take at home to ensure effective and long-term oral hygiene. Professional care offers deep teeth cleaning at the dental office whereas home care by individuals helps prolong its benefits. 

Effective removal of biofilm, the causative reason for dental diseases like gingivitis, periodontitis or tooth decay is essential for good oral health. Years of research and technological advancement has culminated into a clinical method for modern day clinical prophylaxis called "Guided Biofilm Therapy" (GBT). This state-of-the-art treatment protocol consists of eight clearly defined steps and has truly revolutionized the treatment of dental diseases and professional teeth cleaning. The paradigm change is achieved primarily from the more intensive use of powder jet technology which allows teeth to be cleaned in a comfortable, gentle, time efficient, and effective manner.  

Powder technology offers a broad opportunity to professional prophylaxis thanks to the "multi-mini" impact working mechanism. This mechanism combines a minimally invasive cleaning procedure due to the small particle impact with a highly efficient procedure given the quantity of particles reaching the surface. The powder itself is very versatile and has a range of 10 different application opportunities. The smart delivery pathway of the from the powder chamber up to the tooth surface can be optimized to ensure the best treatment comfort for both the patient and the practitioner.  

This presentation will immerse you in the POWER of the POWDER in PROFESSIONAL PROPHYLAXIS.


Marcel Donnet is a Powder & Fluid Research Expert at EMS Electro Medical Systems SA (Switzerland). He is a chemical engineer with a PhD in Powder Technology. He has been carrying out academic as well as applied research for more than 20 years in interdisciplinary domains, including powders, fluids, chemical, medical and dental technologies. Over the 18 last years, his research passion was mainly directed to dental technologies and especially dental prophylaxis to offer best clinical option for both user and patient. He is instrumental in all powder related device development at EMS, from the initial powder up to the final clinical application.