
Sep 19-20, 2024    London, UK
International Conference on

Dentistry and Craniofacial Research

Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei

Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei


Title: Gemmotherapic preparations used in contemporary periodontology and dentistry


Gemmotherapy is a natural therapy that uses extracts obtained from plant tissues in the growth phase (buds, shoots, roots, flower buds). Therefore, it is considered a new, modern phytotherapy that uses embryonic tissues/ in the division phase (e.g. plant stem cells) processed in a fresh state, compared to classical phytotherapy that uses adult plant parts, which have lost the power of regeneration and are generally processed in a dry state.

The gemmoderivate (meristhemoderivate) reacts mainly by stimulating and rebalancing the function of cellular and tissue homeostasis. All plant substances in the meristhematic state or in the process of formation contain multiple minerals, hormonal substances, amino acids and prosthetic structural elements, as well as oligoelements (trace elements).

Nowadays, in dental medicine it has been found that gemmotherapy can help to obtain faster results or to maintain these results for a long time, supporting the mandatory specific dental treatment.


Ruxandra-Ilinca Matei PhD, DDS, MaSc graduated in 1998 at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest – Romania, Faculty of Dentistry. From 2000 she activates in the Department of Dental Medicine (disciplines of Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology), Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Oradea – Romania, and also in her private practice office in Oradea. In 2019, after a two years national course, she was certified in Homeopathy and Gemmotherapy, and since that time she has focused on phytotherapic/gemmotherapic (vegetal) extracts implications in oral complex treatments.