
Aug 29-30, 2024    Toronto, Canada
2nd International Conference on

Epidemiology And Public Health

Muhammad Hassam Rehm

Muhammad Hassam Rehm


Title: Seroprevalence of Bluetongue virus originating among camels from southern Punjab, Pakistan


Blood transfusion is generally considered safe after cross-matching the blood but there is risk of transmission of transfusion related infections. Screening for many infectious diseases is done to reduce the risk of transmission of infections to the recipients. However, with screening, an odd of catching hepatitis B and C from donated blood is 1 in 300,000 and 1 in 1.5 million respectively. The aim of the study was to determine sero-prevalence of hepatitis B and C virus in local population of province Punjab, Pakistan. This study was conducted at department for pathology and community medicine, Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal, Pakistan from 2012-2017. Blood grouping was done by forward and reverse blood grouping while sera were screened for anti-HCV and HBsAg using rapid diagnostic kits.


Dr. Muhammad Hassam Rehm, was born and raised in Pakistan. After completion of MBBS in 2007, he worked in Lahore (Pakistan) as Medical Officer and later on moved to Australia for my Post-graduate studies in Master in Health Management (MHM) from Public Health Department University of New South Wales, Sydney Australia. In 2012, he started his career as a Lecturer in Community Medicine/ Public Health department of Sahiwal Medical College, Sahiwal. Since 2015, He is working as Assistant Professor of Community Medicine/ Public Health Department in the same institute.