Title: The future biofuel market in Germany under RED II – Using a deterministic, bottom-up foresight optimization model
Biography: Dr. Kathleen Meisel joined DBFZ (Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, Germany) as a research scientist in 2010. She holds a Diploma in Geography and obtained a doctorate in the field of environmental assessments at the chair of spatial and environmental planning at Martin-Luther-University in Halle. At DBFZ she primarily conducts life cycle assessments of different bioenergy and biomaterial supply chains. Thereby the focus is to identify optimization potentials along the entire process chain in terms of reducing emissions and other environmental impacts and to compare the investigated options with other renewable and fossil references as a basis for decision-makers. Her activities range from preparing greenhouse gas balances of biofuels, assessing the sustainability of bioenergy and bioeconomy options to developing environmental sustainability criteria.