Title: Latest Technology in Photonics and Optics
Biography: Dr Yuvaraja Visagathilagar has over 25+ years of extensive expertise and experience in academia, research and industry. He graduated with Bachelor of Engineering in Communication Engineering and Doctorate in Engineering (with a highly prestigious scholarship from the Australian Government) in 1996 and 2003 respectively from RMIT University, Melbourne Australia. His dissertation was in “Narrow-band Optical Modulator on Lithium Niobate” for telecommunication applications but it can be applied for other transceivers applications. In research and industry, he has contributed in over 40+ pier reviewed international journals and conferences. He has visited and presented at universities in USA (i.e. UCLA and UCSD), Peregrine Semiconductor Corporation and in Japan (i.e. Science and technology Organisation).He has collaborated with Defence Science Technology Organisation (DSTO) in Australia where he has contributed in the design, fabrication, packaging and testing of “High-Speed Lithium Niobate Optical Modulator” including documentation of processes for quality certification (ISO 9001) and flip-chip packaging of narrow-band optical modulators on Lithium Niobate and Ceramic materials.