
Mar 21-22, 2024    Paris, France
6th International Conference on

Food Technology and Nutrition




Title: Optimisation of the techniques used for valorisation of Passiflora wastes using RSM


Waste from food industry valorization is essential for waste reduction as well as socioeconomic and sustainability impacts. It helps organic waste shift towards a zero-waste economy. Numerous goods with high value for consumption have been produced and summarised using the sustainable wastes enhancing the value process, but little is known about their financial, ecological, and social implications. Passiflora edulis is the most economically significant species with high value domestic and foreign markets for its delectable aroma and dietary content. The non-edible portion (rind and seed) of the P. edulis are excellent to be widely utilised for extraction of different nutritive. Utilising different green techniques, the active compounds with antioxidant ability could be extracted. This study aims to Passiflora edulis rind (collected from North-East India) characterisation and optimisation of the independent parameters for the extraction of polyphenolics using ultrasonic and supercritical fluid techniques. The ASTM-estimated proximate examination of the biomass revealed that it included 6.76% (wt%) fixed carbon, 11.05% (wt%) ash, 82.19% (wt%) volatile matter, and 9.93% (wt%) moisture. Thermogravimetric analysis of the samples showed a high mass loss (54.7 wt%) during the second stage of deterioration at temperatures between 200 and 500 °C, indicating total carbohydrate degradation. The main macro nutrients identified in the rind were N, Mg, Na, K, and Ca. The CCD based RSM optimisation of the parameters showed the significant impact with p-value less than 0.001 of the individual factors on the response. The suggested quadratic models for each response were found significant with r2 value closer to 1. The optimum scenario for attaining the best yield within given parameters was predicted by using the desirability function of Design-Expert software. The extracts had a considerable content of polyphenolic content, making it appropriate for use in foods intended for human consumption.


Kakali Borah is an expert in bioactive chemical extraction and testing for antibacterial and antioxidant properties. For the extraction of the phytochemicals, she used a variety of green extraction procedures, and optimised the processes for maximum production. This model's responsive constructivist foundation opens up new avenues for enhancing food waste valorisation. After years of working in research institutes, she developed this approach after gaining experience in research. This strategy demonstrates the effectiveness of supercritical fluid and ultrasonic extraction techniques on the extraction of bioactive substances from the rind of Passiflora edulis, which is industrial fruit and has substantial nutritional and therapeutic potential.