Title: Improvement of gaseous energy generation from organic wastes by Biohythane process
Biography: Dr. Debabrata Das has pioneered the promising R&D of Bioenergy production processes by applying fermentation technology. He is actively involved in the research of hydrogen biotechnology for a period of last twenty years. His recent work on biohythane process for the maximization of gaseous energy recovery from the organic wastes is worth mentioning. He has 6 books, 150 research publications in the peer reviewed journals (h-index 48) and 36 chapters in the books published by International publishers. He has two Indian patents. Recently, he successfully demonstrated 10 m3 biohydrogen pilot plant study for the commercial exploitation of biohydrogen production process. He IAHE Akira Mitsui Award in 2008 and BRSI Malaviya Memorial award (for senior faculty) in 2013 for his biohydrogen research work. He is the member of the editorial board of International Journal of Hydrogen Energy;Indian Journal of Biotechnology; Biotechnology for Biofuels; The Open Microalgae Biotechnology Journal; INAE Letters