Title: " Pretreatment technologies for enhancing anaerobic digestibility of municipal solid wastes "
Biography: Dr. Elsayed Elbeshbishy is an assistant professor at Ryerson University. He is collaborating with different Canadian industries and municipalities for developing new technologies for value-added products recovery from wastes. He investigated different pretreatment technologies for enhancement of biohydrogen and biomethane production from municipal solid wastes. He introduced ultrasonication, for the first time, as a novel pretreatment method for enhancing biohydrogen production from solid waste as opposed to the common application of ultrasonication prior to anaerobic digestion to enhance methane formation. He has more than 50 peer reviewed journal article, 70 conference proceeding, and three book chapters with h-index of 22. Dr. Elbeshbishy focuses in developing new solid pre-treatment technologies to enhance the anaerobic digestion process.