Title: Resource Recovery from municipal wastes by Combining Hydrothermal Pretreatments and Fermentation
Biography: Farokh Kakar is a PhD candidate in a Canadian university and an instructor in the civil engineering school in a college. She holds a MASc in civil engineering and currently pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Civil Engineering department of Ryerson University focusing on Resource recovery from industrial and municipal waste. She has more than 5 years of project management owning her own company and teaching experience in university as an assistant professor and vice dean. She has presented her research work on effect of hydrothermal pretreatment on biological treatment of waste and resource recovery in many conferences. She is actively involved in community volunteer works by leading two programs in Society of Women Engineers and Canadian Association for Water Quality. She is a young water professional passionate about contributing in solving major global challenges of Global Warming and Energy Crisis and changing the future of water works in remote areas of developing countries.