
Apr 16-17, 2025    Tokyo, Japan
4th International Conference

Green Energy and Environment

Wojciech Szulc
09:30 AM-10:00 AM Green Energy

Wojciech Szulc

European Steel Technology poland

Title: Pyrolysed Residual Biomass as a Substitutional Fuel for Iron Ores Sintering Process


Wojciech Szulc is research worker and Deputy Financial and Operational Director. Specialist in the field of plastic deformation of metal, business consultancy for steel sector in that in the area of environmental protection. An expert in the field of best available BAT techniques for further metal processing (FMP) – member of TWG for FMP BREF review - JRC EIPPCB in Seville. V-ce President of European Steel Technology Platform ESTEP. Co-author of industry guide on the application of BAT techniques for the metallurgical industry ordered of the Ministry of the Environment.