Title: Cross Talk between Synthetic Food colors (Azo dyes), Oral Flora and Cardiovascular Disorders
Synthetic food colors are important ingredients in the food industry. Majority synthetic food colorants are azo dyes and obviously acidic in nature. They are present in sweets, carbonated drinks, meat products, and candies to attract the consumers. This study is an attempt to explain the adverse effects of azo dyes and their association with oral cavities and cardiovascular disorders. All of synthetic dyes (azo dyes) have staining effects on dentin. Poor dental care accelerates the bacterial accumulation on the dental crown (Gram-negative bacteria P. gingivalis, T. denticola, and T. forsythia and Gram-positive bacteria Strep. Gordonii), causing the washing of enamel, forming dental plaque. All the bacterial phyla contribute to different and major oral disorders, such as periodontal disease, which is caused by releasing different chemicals and toxins. Causing the gum disease by weakening the gum tissues. Streptococcus mutans in the mouth thrives on sugar and produces acids, which eat the enamel and accelerate the bacterial pathogens (P. ginigivalis and F. nacleatum) to release different chemicals (FadA and Fap2). These chemicals bind to protein on the cell by producing an inflammatory response through different line-host defenses, such as Gingival epithelial cells (ECs), Hemidesmosomes, and desmosomes, which helps the bacterium migration from the cell–cell junction. This makes the junctions slightly open up and makes the whole vessel permeable, through which the bacterium enters into the blood stream line. This leads to different major arteries such as the carotid artery and causes the accumulation of plaque in major cardiac arteries. Which causes different cardiovascular disorders. The bacterial species present in gums cause cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, strokes, and arrhythmias which can lead to death.
Arooba John completed by MSc Botany, Applied microbiology from Government College and university, Lahore, Pakistan. Her current field placement is microbiology, cellular biology and, Genotoxicity. She is interested in studying the effect of pathogenic oral microbiome and other microbial organism which cause major human diseases. The study which she has conducted on different oral Microbiome and their relation to Cardiovacular disorders is the result of the enthusiasm, efforts and passion for sciences. And it’s her aim, that by using these expertise she want to make a better environment in which every person can enjoy a better or healthier lifestyle. Arooba John recent publication on oral pathology is considered to be as a major contribution in scientific community. I believed that, this approach is turned out to be a remarkable contribution in world.