Title: Diet and Lifestyle
Dr. Gamal M. Saied received his MBBch with Honor in 1969 and Diploma in General Surgery in 1971 and his MD in general Surgery in 1977 from the Faculty of medicine Cairo University in Egypt. He was then indulged in multitudes of academic, administrative and scientific posts until occupying the position of the Head of Surgical Oncology Unit 27 B [Cairo University Hospitals] for continuous 4 years ending in August 2007. During this march he was decorated the Award of State in medical sciences in 1988 and the Laureate of Excellence [First Class] from the President of Egypt in 1995 .He is now a Member of the European Association for Cancer Research ASCO ( USA) , EACR and NESA (Europe) . Prof. Saied is also a member of many scientific, academic and researches Assemblies affiliated to the Supreme Councils of Universities [Ministry of Higher Education] and the Ministry of Public Health & Population in Egypt.