
Jul 30-31, 2021    Paris, France
2nd World Summit on

Infectious Diseases and Therapeutics Conference




Title: Infectious disease: Prophylactic approach through Unani medicine-A review


Haluskova Balter Ivana, MD, France

French Medical professional specialized in infectious diseases, internal medicine covering various therapeutic axes, certified in Immunology and Pediatric, MBA vaccinology and years of active clinical practice. Certified in Health and diplomacy (Geneve) Lived multi-country medical “field “experience in Southeast Asia (India in particular), West/Central/East Europe. Speaking French, English, Russian, Italian, Czech, Slovak with notion of Mandarin.

Over 15 years of experience in senior position in various industry companies in research and development for European and USA for vaste and complexe international programs and therapeutic areas for adults and children including infectious and tropical diseases, vaccins, metabolic and CVS, neurodegenerative diseases,inflammation, onco/oncoimmunology and orphan indications. Active member of World alliance against antibiotic resistance (Administrative board) and French immunology society (SFI) administrative board and several international academic societies (focus on innovation of R&D reflecting immunology and genetic variability, role of immunologic approach for treatment and diagnostic, tackle problem of resistance for antimicrobials(TB including), antiparasisitc, antivirals etc  using multiple approach and linking multiple partners in concept of One health.