
Sep 09-10, 2019    Osaka, Japan

Integrative Biology and Physiology

Integrative Biology 2019 offers a premier forum to share trans-disciplinary integrative thinking to unravel the underlying principal mechanisms and process in biology and medicine. An Integrative Biology approach addresses the biological question(s) by integrating holistic (genome wide; omics-) approaches with in depth functional analysis and computation biology (modeling), thereby integrating wet and dry lab approaches.Integrative Biology session focuses on communication at every level of biological organization from subcellular organelles to societies, ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole. Communicative & Integrative Biology promotes understanding biological organisms as systems integrated via bio-communication. This encompasses animal, plant, and microbial communication and signaling, cognition, evolution, ecology and behavioral ecology, as well as biophysics and neuroethology.

Speakers Interview