
December 04, 2020    Dubai, UAE
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Medical Tourism and Healthcare


Cosmetic surgery
A. Cosmetic surgery is a unique discipline of medicine focused on enhancing appearance through surgical and medical techniques. ... Plastic surgery is defined as a surgical specialty dedicated to reconstruction of facial and body defects due to birth disorders, trauma, burns, and disease.

Hair transplantation
Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that removes hair follicles from one part of the body, called the 'donor site', to a bald or balding part of the body known as the 'recipient site'. The technique is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness.

Business Tourism

Orthopedics is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis, correction, prevention, and treatment of patients with skeletal deformities - disorders of the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and skin. ... The physicians who specialize in this area are called orthopedic surgeons or orthopedists.

Dental tourism
Dental tourism is a subset of the sector known as medical tourism. It involves individuals seeking dental care outside their local healthcare systems and may be accompanied by a vacation.

Economic Evaluation and Analysis
Economic evaluation is the process of systematic identification, measurement and valuation of the inputs and outcomes of two alternative activities, and the subsequent comparative analysis of these. The purpose of economic evaluation is to identify the best course of action, based on the evidence available.

Equity Health Care and Universal Health Coverage
Economic evaluation is the process of systematic identification, measurement and valuation of the inputs and outcomes of two alternative activities, and the subsequent comparative analysis of these. The purpose of economic evaluation is to identify the best course of action, based on the evidence available.

Organ transplantation
Organ donation is the process of surgically removing an organ or tissue from one person (the organ donor) and placing it into another person (the recipient). Transplantation is necessary because the recipient's organ has failed or has been damaged by disease or injury

Infertility treatment
Infertility in men and woman can also be treated with assisted reproductive technology, or ART. ... IUI (intrauterine insemination): Sperm is collected and the placed directly inside the woman's uterus while she is ovulating. IVF (in vitro fertilization): The sperm and egg are collected and brought together in a lab

Global Economy in Healthcare
Globalization is a key challenge to public health, especially in developing countries where also the health economists study the functioning of health care systems & health-affecting behaviours like drinking, smoking etc. The framework encompasses both direct and indirect effects on health, operating through the national economy, household economies and health-related sectors such as water, sanitation, clinical practices and education as well as more direct effects on population-level and individual risk factors on the health care system. The effects of globalization will be optimized only when improvements in health and well-being become central objectives of national economic policy-making and the design and management of the international economic system

Health and Medical Tourism
Medical tourism is where people travel from one country to another for the medical treatment .The factors that mainly contribute to the medical tourism are high costs, prolonged wait for the surgeries, ease and comfort ability and also to meet the technology and standards of many countries. The various surgeries and transplantations such as cosmetic surgery, organ transplantation, infertility treatment, etc. … has become a prominent one among most of the developed countries. Medical tourism also contributes greatly to the government revenues and offers employment opportunities to the native individuals.

Advancement technologies and healthcare
Technology invades every dimension of critical care. Medical technology is a broad field where innovation plays a significant role in sustaining the human health. Areas like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, information technology, biomedical engineering which includes the development of medical devices and equipment, and more have all made significant contributions to improving the health of people all around the world. Technology in health care is a crucial focus of research which in future will continue to develop in the dramatic ways. Stem cell research is an emerging tool in the biological system which enhances the field of technology in a favourable way for the patients.

Chronic Diseases and Healthcare
The lives of far too many people in the world are being destroyed and cut short by chronic diseases such as cancer, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and stroke, etc. which tend to occur at a very early age. Chronic diseases are responsible for 7 of 10 deaths each year, and the treatment accounts for most of the nation’s health care costs and is a very serious situation for the health societies and economies. Researches on the emphasis of chronic diseases with models have been done with significant implications for diagnosis and treatment.

Digital Health Care
Digital technologies are reinventing healthcare across the patient lifecycle, enabling a more personalised, timely and cost-effective treatment journey. The influx of smarter devices, mobile solutions and patient-centred technologies means industry trends are evolving, and by 2020 the healthcare continuum as we know it today, will be unrecognisable. Generally, digital healthcare is concerned about the development of interconnected health systems so as to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and patients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing Digital healthcare is a multi-disciplinary domain which involves many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics and management.

Medical Laboratory Technology and Healthcare
Medical laboratory technology play a significant role by introducing the customs for lab tests on blood, body fluids, cells and tissues by various advancements in technologies which makes the interpretation of the diseases much easier. The knowledge and expertise of the MLT contributes to innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and medical conditions. Biomedical engineering combines the design of engineering with medical sciences to advance health treatment and surgical purposes. Bioinformatics also plays a major role in analysing the biological data mainly DNA, RNA and protein sequences. Medical technology is indispensable for people's health and higher quality of life and improves economy.

Mental and Physical Health
The physical and mental health of the human being should be maintained in a balanced way where the poor physical health can lead to mental health problems and vice-versa. The lifestyle factors which can affect both the physical health and mental health involve exercise, diet, smoking, depression etc. There are also other problems which include obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood glucose levels leading to heart disease, diabetes and other illness. Indigenous system of medicine is also widely practised among the developing countries which definitely play a major role in curing the chronic diseases and several infections.

Challenges Involved in Medical Tourism
Even though there are various edges and opportunities which comes under medical tourism, potential medical tourists who are looking forward to exploiting these benefits would be considered as a strong challenge. Authorization and varied quality measures which have a refusal worldwide will end up to be risky and even dangerous for medical tourists to ponder, creating a medical commercial enterprise which results in a difficult methodology. There are several healthcare policies which monitors the overall tourism and also medical tourism has various legal and ethical issues such as cross border services, hospital management and also poses a major challenge to the healthcare suppliers.

Nano Medicine and Healthcare
Nano medicine uses nano-sized tools for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease for the increased understanding of the diseases where the ultimate goal lies in improving the quality of life. The drug delivery system with the nanoparticles focuses mainly in developing the tumor targeting drugs and the corresponding polymers to be used and the major challenges include biodegradability and biocompatibility of the drug .The fields in the nanomedicine is growing widely, but in the end multi-phase clinical trials are very demanding and only a few Nano drug candidates successfully pass regulatory authority requirements. The biomedical scientists, chemists and biophysicists in the future may favour the arrival of more Nano engineered drugs on the market with the interdisciplinary collaboration among them.

Nursing and Healthcare
Health care nursing is an art and a science that has evolved as a way of thinking about, and working with, families when a member experiences a health problem. This philosophy and practice incorporate the following assumptions: health affects all members of families, health and illness are family events, and families influence the process and outcome of health care. All healthcare practices, attitudes, beliefs, behaviours, and decisions are made within the context of larger family and societal systems. Families vary in structure, function, and processes.

Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
The medical industry provides a vast range of healthcare services, manufacturing medical equipments and developing pharmaceuticals which also include the designing of drugs and the delivery system according to the human health. The Patent system plays a crucial role where every day new life saving drugs is introduced into the market and they are regulated by the pharmaceutical sector by the patent laws. Quality Assurance and control has a wide impact over the pharmaceutical products in order to meet the standards for the recommended use. Pharmacogenomics is the new emerging technology where the therapeutic drugs are combined with the genetics in order to meet the complex diseases.

Women Healthcare
Women’s health differs from those of men by unique biological, social and behavioural conditions. Research has been carried out in large scale clinical trials and advancements in health studies is also done in the developed countries. The leading death rates in women include cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, PCOS, menopause, etc. The major threat in the developing countries is the maternal deaths which are continuously increasingly due to poor health. Young women and adolescents face the risks that include STIs, pregnancy and unsafe abortion, while older women are at risk of neurogenetic diseases.

Hospitality Services

Business Tourism Market
Business tourism is a lucrative, fast-growing segment of the world's largest industry sector. Good niches in business tourism exist for developing and transition economies. ... Business tourism is defined as leisure activities in conjunction with business travel.

It is the use of telecommunications technology and information technologies to provide remote clinical services to patients. Physicians use telemedicine for the transmission of digital imaging, video consultations, and remote medical diagnosis.
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