Longdom Awards is an initiative that aims to recognize outstanding achievements and contributions of professionals and researchers in the fields of Medical, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Health Care, and Engineering.
The Longdom Scientific Committee, a sub-committee within the Advisory Council, is responsible for recommending individuals for awards for consideration and approval. The Longdom Awards are categorized into Best Speaker Talks, Best Abstract, Best Poster Award, Outstanding Young Researcher Award, and House of Delegate Awards. The awards are presented annually at the venue of the Longdom Conference Meetings.
The winners of the awards will be considered to have presented an original scientific or technical study investigating a novel application or an innovative research approach of a standard suitable for publication at an international level. These awards recognize excellence and encourage the pursuit of innovative research in these fields.
We are proud to honor those who make significant contributions to their respective fields, and we look forward to continuing to celebrate the achievements of professionals and researchers in the future.