Title: Food Nutrition & Agriculture
Introduction: Food and nutrition security for every household is public concern throughout the globe. Food is a basic necessity of life as it dictates the health status of individuals. Statement of the Problem : Documented evidence shows insufficient food stocks among households in Kenya. Available literature indicates that Bungoma County is food insecure with a poverty index of 52.9%. The objective of this study was to determine the food security and Nutrition status of households in Bungoma County. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: A cross-sectional survey design was used in the study and a cluster sample size of 384 households was selected. Tools used for data collection were questionnaires, interview guides, focus group discussions and observation checklists. The nutrition status of pre-school children was determined by measuring the Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and Body Mass Index (BMI) tools were used to determine nutritional status for pre-school children and adults respectively.
Marystella Wabwoba is a Professional public officer well versed with extension approaches, distinguished by commended performance and proven results. Skilled in sustainable Development and community development, Disaster management with wide experience on research on food security in Kenya. Extensive background in training of trainers (TOT), including experience in community mobilization, training on Entrepreneurship, training youths in Vocational centres, Trainer of stakeholders and communities on Good Agricultural Practice and investment options that affect food security. Demonstrated success in assigned duties- developing teambuilding programs, and writing departmental reports, participating in developing departmental strategic plans and policies in compliance with the Kenya constitution, 2010.