Title: The effect of pitch-size on the dispersion and some parameters of photonic crystal fibers
Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCF) represents one of the most active research areas today in the field of optics. The diversity of applications that may be addresses by these fibers and their fundamental appeal, by opening up the possibility of guiding light in a radically new way compared to conventional optical fiber have spun an interest from almost all areas of optics and photonics. The aim of this research is to explore the effect of the pitch size and number of ring on the dispersion and other parameters of the PCF.Two designs have been studied with the same parameters except the pitch-size and number of rings, the results has indicated that the zero dispersion λ zd in the PCFs have been pushed to the visible part of the spectrum while the dispersion in thePCFl
have flat region from (1.1 -1.5)µm.
Lutfi Ali Mahmood is an Assistant Professor in Laser – physics in one of the private universities in Erbil-Iraq. He holds a PhD in physics from Loughborough University of Technology, U. K - 1985. Lutfi has 40 years of teaching experience in different public and private universities in Iraq. He has also supervised 2 PhD and 15 Master students. He has presented and published several papers. Lutfi is teaching both under and post-graduates different subjects including General physics, Mathematics, Biophysics, Mechanics, Quantum mechanics, Lasers and Optics.