The Myofunctional Postural Rehabilitation (M.P.R.) is a method that seeks balance between the stomatognathic system and the rest of the body, used at any age, in dysfunctional and athletes to improve performance.In medical sciences we commonly witness relapses in our treatments, and we are not aware that patients with chronic pain are sometimes visited by several specialists, without results.in athletes it is necessary to obtain a good postural balance and a good coordination of postural receptors, as well as a good biochemical balance of the organism to improve performanceA major cause of postural imbalance, and as a consequence of the loss of performance is the negative action of the stomatognathic system on the static posture, that goes to alter and disrupte the function of other receptors like the eye and foot.The M.P.R. will teach you to identify these and treat the problema with natural and physiological treatments.the use of B.E.D. Body Equilibrium Device, will allow to cancel this negative effect of the Facial Cranio System, thus allowing to improve the athlete's performance.
Silverio Di Rocca has completed Graduate degree in Dentistry, Post-graduate degree in Functional Orthopaedics both from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has also done a degree in Dentistry and Prostethic at the University of Turin, Italy and a Doctorate in Dentistry and Prosthetic at University of Turin, Italy. He is the Director of the M.P.R International School, Vice President International representative and Founder of API Swiss (International Association of Posturology Switzerland). He is also a Professor in Amocoac Diplomate in Mexico and COMEI, College of Dentistry in Mexico, Associated Professor in the Fisioterapist School in Tenerife Spain, Associated Professor in I.C.O.M (International College of Osteophatic Medicine) Milan, Italy and an International Honorary member of AMOCOAC (Mexicanian Association of Cranio Facial Orthopeadic).