
Aug 27-28, 2021    London, UK
International Conference on

Pediatrics, Neonatology and Primary Health Care

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Only Registration Privileges:

1. Abstract publication on supporting journals and conference proceedings.
2. Organization logo will be added to the conference backdrop.
3. Best networking opportunities and one-on-one meetings can be organized.
4. Lunch and breakfast are included in the registration and packages.
5. Certificate, abstract book, and event kit will be given.
6. Latest hot topics will get recognition with special awards.

Delegates Registration:

1. Access to All Sessions.
2. Coffee break will be provided during the conference.
3. Conference Kit will be given.
4. Lunch during the conference.
5. Participation Certificate will be provided.

E-Posters and Video Presentation: 
(Only applicable for those who are unable to travel to the venue.)

1. The amount charged for e-posters and video presentations is to display the content on the website as well as during the conference.
2. The abstract will be published in the conference proceedings.
3. The presenter is not required to be present in person at the conference.
4. Soft copy of the participation certificate will be provided

Offering 20% Discount to Women Participants:-
To avail of the discount offers follow the below:

1. Visit the website:
2. Choose a currency like Euro or USD.
3. Fill in the details as sought.
4. Type of Registration: As applicable.
Speakers Interview