
Sep 01-02, 2021    Tokyo, Japan

Global Summit on Personalized Medicine and Health Care

Atique Ahmed
09:05 AM-09:40 AM

Atique Ahmed

Fienberg School of Medicine- Northwestern University USA USA

Title: Misdiagnosing Personality Disorders as Anxiety Disorders (Notes to the Therapist)


Atique Ahmed is a consultant Psychiatrist and Child Psychiatrist, who finished her Master in Psychiatry in 2004 (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium). She worked in France as a ‘praticien hospitalier’ in Child Psychiatry and for the World Health Organization, before joining the research department in Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland) in 2011. He has been a lecturer in France (IFSI) since 2004 but  has also joined the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland in 2012.