Scientific program

Sep 09-10, 2024    Paris, France
3rd International Conference on

Physical medicine and Rehabilitation

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Prof Francesco D’Ambra

Title: Integrative Medicine, oncological physiotherapy, dermatofunctional physiotherapy and trichological physiotherapy. New frontiers.


With the holistic approach of integrative medicine, we have managed, with the SDPA, SOPHYA and AIFIDER associations, to create a relationship between different disciplines. In the branch of DermatoFunctional Physiotherapy, the study of Trichological Physiotherapy applied to the oncology field allows us to treat many patients in a preventative manner to address the problem of baldness. Over 58% of cancer patients consider alopecia the most traumatizing event, while 8% are willing to give up treatments.
The integrated dermatofunctional physiotherapy approach for various clinical pathologies of an aesthetic-functional nature enhances and guarantees objective results, without involving risks inherent in the patient's health, promoting well-being and quality of life. This integrated approach of techniques and knowledge is particularly important in the rehabilitation of mastectomy patients, burn patients, post-traumatic scars, among others. Other essential components of the intervention of the Physiotherapist specialist in Dermatofunctional are the pre- and post-operative phases of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.
Trichological physiotherapy is the fusion of over 15 years of work, study and research in the trichological field, between manual therapy and physical therapy.
What are the results?
Physiotherapy trichological therapy has no side effects and is a perfect adjunct to classic therapy, improving the results on the elasticity of the scalp and therefore on the vascularization and microcirculation by 43%. Studies are only at the beginning as a small circle of physiotherapists deals with this branch.


Francesco D’Ambra is a Doctor of Physiotherapy and Osteopath DO.M.ROI specialized in Functional Dermato in Italy, Spain and Brazil. For over 15 years I have been involved in aesthetic and trichological surgery in the hair transplant sector. Specialist, international lecturer in Trichology and creator of the D'Ambra® Method Since 2020 I have been involved in research in oncology and trichology. Founder and Director of Swiss Academy of Trichology President of SOPHYA (Swiss Oncological Physiotherapy Association) President of SDPA (Swiss Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy Association) In 2022 I will obtain the Swiss certification in NLP & Coaching.

Prof Samia Karkouri

Title: Assessing the Impact of Dental Malocclusion on the Body Postural Balance: Correlation between Angle Class, Pelvic Balance and Center of Foot Pressure


Eye movement problems, hearing loss, or  unstable pod support systematically affect postural balance. On the other hand, musculoskeletal problems such as misaligned teeth can affect postural stability. If the foot sensors, visual system, and  vestibular system are classically considered as postural sensors that are somehow involved in postural control, the mandibular system has not yet been classified as a postural sensor.  In recent years, many studies have focused on the possible relationship between the stomatognathic system and  posture. Several biomechanical and neurophysiological hypotheses have been attempted to explain this relationship, including: muscle chain, trigeminal nerve activation or inhibition, sternocleidomastoid muscle contraction, and facial chain theory.

Our study is a prospective, descriptive, and analytic study conducted on two groups: a test group of 53 patients who present malocclusion class II or III compared with 53 controls matched for age and gender. The evaluation of the center of foot pressure (CoP) and the confidence ellipse area (mm2) were performed by stabilometric platefrom using bipodal test in two occlusal conditions, in maximum intercuspation (MI) and with a cotton roll (CR), with and without visual cue. A pelvic level device was used to perform the pelvic balance examination. Statistical analysis used the chi-square test, the McNemar test, and the Pearson test.

In the case group , the bipodal test was poor (outside reference values) in MI open eyes, MI closed eyes, CR open eyes, and CR closed eyes in 47.2%, 62.3%, 58.5%, and 64.2%, respectively, vs 54.7%, 43.4%, 34.0%, and 67.9%, respectively, of controls (p <0.05). No subjects in the control group were diagnosed with pelvic imbalance, against five patients (9.4%) in the case group (p <0.05). Pelvic imbalance was noted in two patients with class II and only one patient with class III. For Class II, the bipodal test results were poor in MI open eyes, MI closed eyes, CR open eyes, and CR closed eyes conditions with percentages of 54.2%, 66.7%, 70.8%, and 58.3%, respectively (p <0.05). The Class III generally had good results in MI open eyes (80%), but mostly poor results in MIP and CR closed eyes (90%).

There is a significant difference in pelvic imbalance between the case group and the control group. Angle Classes II and III had no significant correlation with pelvic tilt. The stabilometric examinations have shown that Angle class II influences the CoP displacement and the confidence ellipse area in MI open eyes conditions. This finding supports the hypothesis that dental malocclusion can have an effect on the postural system.


Samia Karkouri is Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation–Faculty of Medicine–Rabat, Morocco. Head of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, El Ayachi Hospital, Rabat University Hospital General secretary of Moroccan Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine SOMAREF.

Professor Teodor Stamate

Title: Transcranial magnetic stimulation follow up of brachial plexus palsies in adults after complex microsurgical reconstructions


In adult postsurgical brachial plexus (BP) injuries, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) imaging of the cortical area may reveal active neuroplasticity events that depend on rehabilitation therapy (RT) compliance.
Material and Methods
On the right (dominant) arm of two patients with chronic BP lesions, we retrospectively evaluated the course of functional recovery. The medical histories of both patients included numerous microsurgical treatments for muscle transfer and neurotization. Using a 4-axis pattern, TMS was used to map the motor area of the limb and measure the amplitudes of the motor evoked potentials (MEP). The patients were tested twice, with the second assessment performed after RT had just concluded, specifically using Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NEMS).
Changes occurred in the motor region during the TMS assessment. Within both cervical and cortical area of the left cerebral hemisphere, higher MEP amplitudes were linked to improved MEP latency. The best results showed an increase in MEP amplitude for both patients (from 1.08 mV to 1.49 mV and lowered latencies from 37.1 msec to 36.3 msec; from 1.35 mV to 1.98 mV and decrease of latencies from 39.2 msec to 37.9 msec, respectively).
Whereas the limitations induced by the small sample size, the outcomes show cortical area reactivity with respect to treatment modalities.
The demand for long-term commitment to treatment guidelines is supported by the evidence of ongoing brain activity.


Prof. Dr. Teodor Stamate is Emeritus Professor of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Microsurgery, from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Grigore T. Popa" Iași, Romania. The Founder of multiple national associations, such as The Romanian Society of Reconstructive Surgery and the Romanian Society of Hand Surgery, is former Chief of the Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Microsurgery Department of the Emergency Hospital "Sf. Spiridon” in Iași. Prof. Dr. Teodor Stamate is also a well-recognized promotor of novel microsurgical techniques in Romania, as well as author and researcher, PhD coordinator and distinguished member of the prestigious Academy of Medical Sciences.

Mohammad Soukhtanlou

Title: Developing and Compiling Evaluating the Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Internveiton for Managing Chronic Pain in Older IndividualsProgram and Evaluating its effectiveness on relieving chronic pain in the elderlies: A Case Series


This study conducted to develop and evaluate the potential feasibility of incorporating a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) compile a MBSR programintervention  into anin an interdisciplinary rehabilitation context program for pain management in older individuals. Prior research supports the efficacy of for relieving chronic pain in the elderlies. It has been shown that MBSR could be effective in different kind offor chronic pain management in the elderly, but little research has examined its efficacy when combined with other treatments such as in geriatrics but there is a need to evaluate combination of this with other kind of treatments like pharmaceutical interventions or physiotherapy. An established The 8-session MBSR treatment intervention translated then revisedadapted to be culturally appropriate for Iranian elderlies older individuals receiving 20 sessions of and was compiling one-on-one therapy for using with 20-session physiotherapy for osteoarthritis . Two One male and female volunteers patient aged 65 and 71 resepectivlyrespectively with knee and ankle chronic pain were selectedparticipated. They received 20 sessions of 20-session physiotherapy with and 8 -sessions of MBSR were given to them in 7 consecutive weeks. Outcomes were assessed before and after treatments. Clinically Results meaningful improvements (improvements of 0.50 SD units in of PROMIS measures) were observed for measures of indicate that all of the subscales’ scores decreased in post-test especially anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and pain interference, average pain intensity, and fear of movement in  showed significant decrease in both participants. The Tampa Scale Kinesiophobia total score significantly reduce after the program. Also, Numerical Pain Index scores reduced significantly in average of past week and after sessions in both participants andBoth indicated that they were satisfied with the treatment, although both also noted a preference that  they were satisfied about the interdisciplinary program, the contents of MBSR, but they believed it’s better to reduce the time of each session and the length of the program be reduced if possible. Overall, these preliminary findings suggest that it is feasibility to provide MBSR treatment in the context of physiotherapy treatment. A fully-powered clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment is warranted.  if it would be applicable. Although, their PGAST of both of them was 3 (satisfied) out of 4. The patient satisfaction about the program and the results of this case series suggest that this protocol could be evaluate in a farther feasibility trial with a control group.


Moahammad Soukhtanlou is a PhD candidate in Health Psychology at the University of Tehran and he is 33 years old. He is working as a lecturer at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and Shahid Beheshti Farhangian University. His research interest is chronic pain and consciousness. He has published 5 papers in reputed journals and has presented 6 ones in international congress.

Prof Dr Marzieh Yassin

Title: The effect of exercise therapy and new electrical methods on some clinical outcomes in people with total Hip Arthroplasty


Background: Hip arthroplasty is one of the surgical methods to improve symptoms in patients with hip osteoarthritis. The use of conservative treatments reduces pain, increases range of motion, and improves performance in the post-surgery process.
Methods: In this clinical trial study, 30 patients after hip arthroplasty were randomly divided into two groups: electroacupuncture with exercise therapy (n=16), and transcutaneous electrical neuromuscular stimulation (TENS) and exercise therapy (n=14). The severity of pain, quality of life, range of motion, edema, and function were evaluated in two groups before and after the interventions. Interventions of 10 sessions (three sessions per week) were conducted for two groups. The significance level in all tests was below 0.05.
Results: The results showed that both groups improved all of the symptoms after the intervention (p≤0.05), although there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of effectiveness (p≥0.05).
Conclusion: The results showed that both methods improve symptoms in patients after surgery. According to this study, electroacupuncture is suggested as a new method effective for the treatment of people with post-Total Hip Arthroplasty.


Prof Dr Marzieh Yassin is a physical therapist with more than 16 years of experience in treating musculoskeletal disorders, conducting research projects, teaching graduate courses, and the author of three books on Physiotherapy. I finished my Ph.D. in Physical Therapy in 2015 and started working as an Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy for more than six years. The main subject of my research work is finding new techniques to reduce chronic musculoskeletal and neuromuscular conditions, which are the main reasons for disability worldwide. I have 15 published articles and I reviewed more than 20 manuscripts for international and international journals.

Daniela Platano

Title: Telerehabilitation services for patients with orthopaedic conditions at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute of Bologna, Italy


Telerehabilitation (TR) refers to remote providing rehabilitation services intended to enable, restore, improve or otherwise maintain the psychophysical functioning of people of all ages, with disabilities or disorders, congenital or acquired, temporary or permanent, or at risk of developing them. This includes a wide array of services such as evaluation, assessment, monitoring, prevention, intervention, supervision, education, consultation, and coaching. In keeping with the concept of the Guidelines for telemedicine services of the Italian Ministry of Health, these services aim to improve home care and facilitate adequate remote rehabilitation.
Here we present the experience of telerehabilitation from projects and services offered for orthopaedic rehabilitation at the Rizzoli Hospital in Bologna, Italy, a highly specialised hospital and research institute in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology. Services range from tele-consultation which has been proved to be particularly useful for both patients and home therapists since discharge in the sub-acute phase from spine and oncologic surgery, to tele-evaluation and tele-rehabilitation for chronic degenerative diseases.
We summarize the pros and cons of our experience, and plan to undertake new projects that will further enhance patient care and expand upon these findings.


Daniela Platano, born on January 12, 1969, is Physiatrist at Ospedale Rizzoli in Bologna and Senior Assistant Professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Bologna, Italy. She obtained her PhD in Neurophysiology in 2005, and in 2009 joined the Rizzoli Institute as a post-doctoral fellow engaged in research on mechanism of cartilage degeneration. Her residency program in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Bologna (2013-2019) was marked by a commitment to integrating research findings with clinical practice in a wide range of physical disabilities and musculoskeletal conditions. Her research is primarily focused on the integration of technologies in rehabilitation practices to improve outcomes for patients with debilitating acute and chronic orthopaedic conditions. She has published over 40 papers and she is a member of SIMFER, the Italian Society of Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine.

Stelios Hadjisavvas

Title: Effect of concentric exercise-induced fatigue on proprioception and motor control of the upper limb in handball players


Background: Shoulder injuries are prevalent among handball athletes. The majority of these injuries occur during the latter stages of official matches as a result of fatigue. Muscle fatigue can reduce the muscle's ability to absorb external loads, increasing the risk of injury. In addition, muscle fatigue has been associated with decreased proprioception and neuromuscular control. The objective of this study was to examine how concentric exercise-induced fatigue in the rotator cuff affects the proprioception and motor control of the upper limb in handball athletes.

Methods: Forty-six male handball players (all right-handed) were included in this Test-retest design experiment. Proprioception was assessed using joint reposition sense (JRS), threshold to detection of passive movement  (TTDPM), muscle onset latency (MOL). Motor control was evaluated using Y balance test upper quarter (YBT-UQ) and athletic shoulder test (ASH). All variables were tested before and immediately after fatigue using maximal effort, concentric, isokinetic training. The fatigue protocol was executed on the right hand.  The criterion for determining muscle fatigue was a consecutive decline of 40% in peak torque across three repetitions.

Results:  A substantial increase in the absolute angular error (AAE) was detected in all target angles (p < 0.01). Furthermore, there was a notable rise in TTDPM following the fatigue intervention (p=0.020). Moreover, the study revealed statistically significant variations in the anteromedial (AM) (p=0.041) and superolateral (SL) reach directions (p=0.005), as well as the composite score (p=0.009) in the right hand. Additionally, a statistically significant difference was seen in the inferolateral (IL) reach direction in the left hand (p=0.020) in the YBT-UQ. Furthermore, there was a notable decrease in isometric strength (measured by the ASH test) in the I position of the right hand (p=0.010) and in all locations of the left hand (p<0.05). In addition, there was an increase in MOL scores following fatigue, however, the increase did not reach statistical significance (p > 0.05).

Conclusions: Elite male handball players experience significant impairments in joint position awareness, kinesthesia, and motor control of the upper extremity as a result of concentric fatigue. While fatigue does decrease reflex reaction time, the impact is not statistically significant.


Mr. Stelios Hatzisavvas is an adjunct faculty at the University of Nicosia. He completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Physiotherapy and earned two Master's degrees. The first specialization is in sports physiotherapy, while the second specialization is in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and manual therapy. He is currently doing his PhD at the University of Nicosia, focusing on researching shoulder injuries among handball players.


Prof Samia Karkouri

Title: Management of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis


Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity of the spine that develops during growth. It is called idiopathic because the exact cause is unknown. It accounts for 80% of all scoliosis cases. The prevalence of  idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents varies between studies. Globally, it is estimated that approximately 2-3% of the world's population is affected. Usually occurs during the rapid growth period of adolescence, between the ages of 10 and 18 years. Most cases are diagnosed between the ages of 10 and 15.  It occurs more often in girls than boys. The prevalence is estimated to be two to four times higher in girls.

The exact risk factors for idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents remain poorly understood. However, some evidence suggests that genetic factors may play a role.

The circumstances of discovery are often related to  external observation by relatives or  incidental findings during  clinical examination. The clinical picture is accompanied by shoulder girdle asymmetry, thoracic asymmetry, pelvic tilt, and lateral tilt of the spine. Treatment depends on the severity of the curve and remaining bone growth. Treatment options include regular observation, physical therapy, wearing orthopedic braces, and in the most severe cases, surgery.

The main goal of treatment is to prevent deterioration, maintain the correct aesthetic appearance and avoid possible complications.

The aim of this workshop is to present a general algorithm for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in adolescents, based on the recommendations of scientific societies and the experience of the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Rabat University Hospital.


Samia Karkouri is Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation–Faculty of Medicine–Rabat, Morocco. Head of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, El Ayachi Hospital, Rabat University Hospital General secretary of Moroccan Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine SOMAREF.


Madalina Antonia Maria Riurean

Title: Madglove: Creating an accessible home-rehabilitation glove to increase independence in people with spasticity


Madglove is developing an innovative and accessible home-based rehabilitation glove with the aim of mitigating the effects of hand spasticity. A common symptom of neurological disorders (stroke, cerebral palsy (CP), multiple sclerosis, brain injury, spinal cord injury) is upper extremity spasticity, causing muscles to be involuntarily contracted. Due to this, simple tasks such as zipping up a jacket become difficult, or even impossible to do. This drastically lowers a person’s independence, participation in society and quality-of-life. We are creating a no-tech, independently usable glove that stabilizes the wrist and dynamically extends the fingers into a position functional for daily activities, increasing a person’s capacity to funcion. The proof-of-concept was conducted with 20 stroke survivors in a pilot study in Romania. Currently, we are optimizing our solution with end-users and experts in the Netherlands. Due to the no-tech approach, the cost of goods can remain low making
the glove easily accessible to anyone who needs it. Moving forward, we are conducting a study in collaboration with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, on the use of the latest glove model by individuals with post-stroke-spasticity in their home environment. We are also meeting with CP experts and have given the current glove model to our comprehensive network of dutch rehabilitation clinics. With this feedback, we will optimize the design, and manufacture the final model of the glove the end of 2024. Due to our contacts and the health insurance landscape, the Netherlands is an great market entry point. However, as the number of people worldwide living with spasticity is constantly increasing, our mission is to scale this solution to people around the world, and help them get a grasp on their disability.


Madalina Riurean is completing her post-graduate studies at the Vrije University Amsterdam, conducting research focused on neurological rehabilitation and motor learning after brain injury. She is the co-founder and CEO of Madglove Amsterdam BV, an organization focused on creating accessible tools for enhancing the independence and quality of life of disabled individuals. She developed and tested the first prototype of the glove in 2019. The Madglove Amsterdam team got together in 2021, and since then, she has been leading the research and development efforts for bringing the Madglove to market.