
Sep 09-10, 2024    Paris, France
3rd International Conference on

Physical medicine and Rehabilitation

Mohammad Soukhtanlou

Mohammad Soukhtanlou


Title: Developing and Compiling Evaluating the Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Internveiton for Managing Chronic Pain in Older IndividualsProgram and Evaluating its effectiveness on relieving chronic pain in the elderlies: A Case Series


This study conducted to develop and evaluate the potential feasibility of incorporating a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) compile a MBSR programintervention  into anin an interdisciplinary rehabilitation context program for pain management in older individuals. Prior research supports the efficacy of for relieving chronic pain in the elderlies. It has been shown that MBSR could be effective in different kind offor chronic pain management in the elderly, but little research has examined its efficacy when combined with other treatments such as in geriatrics but there is a need to evaluate combination of this with other kind of treatments like pharmaceutical interventions or physiotherapy. An established The 8-session MBSR treatment intervention translated then revisedadapted to be culturally appropriate for Iranian elderlies older individuals receiving 20 sessions of and was compiling one-on-one therapy for using with 20-session physiotherapy for osteoarthritis . Two One male and female volunteers patient aged 65 and 71 resepectivlyrespectively with knee and ankle chronic pain were selectedparticipated. They received 20 sessions of 20-session physiotherapy with and 8 -sessions of MBSR were given to them in 7 consecutive weeks. Outcomes were assessed before and after treatments. Clinically Results meaningful improvements (improvements of 0.50 SD units in of PROMIS measures) were observed for measures of indicate that all of the subscales’ scores decreased in post-test especially anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and pain interference, average pain intensity, and fear of movement in  showed significant decrease in both participants. The Tampa Scale Kinesiophobia total score significantly reduce after the program. Also, Numerical Pain Index scores reduced significantly in average of past week and after sessions in both participants andBoth indicated that they were satisfied with the treatment, although both also noted a preference that  they were satisfied about the interdisciplinary program, the contents of MBSR, but they believed it’s better to reduce the time of each session and the length of the program be reduced if possible. Overall, these preliminary findings suggest that it is feasibility to provide MBSR treatment in the context of physiotherapy treatment. A fully-powered clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment is warranted.  if it would be applicable. Although, their PGAST of both of them was 3 (satisfied) out of 4. The patient satisfaction about the program and the results of this case series suggest that this protocol could be evaluate in a farther feasibility trial with a control group.


Moahammad Soukhtanlou is a PhD candidate in Health Psychology at the University of Tehran and he is 33 years old. He is working as a lecturer at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and Shahid Beheshti Farhangian University. His research interest is chronic pain and consciousness. He has published 5 papers in reputed journals and has presented 6 ones in international congress.