
Sep 09-10, 2024    Paris, France
International Conference on

Primary Health Care and Nursing Research

LONGDOM is excited and proud to introduce the upcoming and highly anticipated event, "International Conference on Primary Health Care and Nursing Research", scheduled to take place from September 09-10, 2024, in the picturesque city of Paris, France. With the central theme of "Art of Healing: Creative Approaches in Primary Care" this conference promises to be a groundbreaking gathering that will catalyze transformative advancements in the fields of Primary Healthcare and Clinical Nursing Research. The Organizing Committee of Primary Health is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to welcome you to the enchanting city of Paris for what is sure to be an enlightening and impactful event. Your participation will play a vital role in shaping the future of nursing and healthcare innovation.

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Joining Longdom offers a multitude of compelling reasons to enhance your professional journey. Firstly, it provides a vital avenue to stay well-informed about the most recent developments and trends in research. You'll have the invaluable opportunity to connect with international colleagues and experts, fostering global connections that can be instrumental in your career. Longdom's platform also presents an immersive experience in cutting-edge technology through its exhibitions, keeping you at the forefront of innovation. Engaging with top journal editors within your field offers unique editorial insights that can be invaluable for your research pursuits. Moreover, Longdom facilitates the expansion of your professional network while providing opportunities to enhance your certification. Additionally, you can leverage our platform to showcase your brand, opening doors to a plethora of exciting possibilities. Join Longdom to embark on a journey of knowledge, collaboration, and growth in the global academic and research community.

Benefits of Attending:

  1. Knowledge Enhancement and Networking
  2. Research Dissemination, Professional Development
  3. Exposure to Multidisciplinary Insights
  4. Unique Publication Opportunities
  5. Career Advancement and Inspiration
  6. Grants on Accommodation
  7. Global Perspective, Recognition to meritorious Researchers
  8. Magnificent platform for displaying your byproducts
  9. Face to Face Interaction with the Committee members, Community engagement

Target Audience:

The target audience for this conference is diverse and inclusive, comprising a wide range of professionals and stakeholders in the healthcare and nursing fields. It welcomes nurse practitioners, scientists, nursing lecturers, doctors, nurses, professors, registered nurses, healthcare professionals, directors of associations and societies, researchers, training institutes, students, Ph.D. scholars, academicians, and budding entrepreneurs. This broad spectrum of participants ensures a dynamic and comprehensive exchange of knowledge, ideas, and expertise, fostering a collaborative and innovative atmosphere throughout the event.

Avail this wonderful opportunity and solicit your presence to engage with global entrepreneurs and submit your abstract in the link provided below.

Submit your Abstract at https://www.longdom.com/primarycare/abstract

Scientific Sessions:

1. Primary Healthcare

Primary healthcare refers to the essential health services that are universally accessible to individuals and families in a community. These services are typically the first point of contact individuals have with the healthcare system. Primary healthcare focuses on promoting health, preventing illness, and managing common health problems. Primary healthcare is typically delivered by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, and allied health professionals. It is considered the cornerstone of a well-functioning healthcare system because it focuses on keeping people healthy and addressing health issues early before they become more serious and costly to treat.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

2. Nursing Leadership Beyond the Hospital Walls

Nursing leadership extends well beyond hospital walls, permeating various sectors of healthcare and society. Nurses are taking on critical leadership roles in diverse settings, shaping the future of healthcare in ways that go beyond traditional boundaries. In community health, nurse leaders spearhead initiatives that promote wellness, disease prevention, and health equity. They engage with local communities, advocate for vulnerable populations, and drive public health campaigns that have a lasting impact on the well-being of entire neighborhoods. Moreover, nurses are exploring entrepreneurial ventures, founding healthcare startups, consulting firms, and innovative practices. Whether in research institutions, non-profit organizations, or global health initiatives, nursing leadership transcends traditional healthcare settings. It embodies a commitment to improving healthcare outcomes, advocating for patients, and shaping the future of healthcare with innovation, compassion, and a holistic perspective on well-being.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

3. Global Health and Pandemics

Global health refers to the health of populations in a global context, encompassing both the determinants and outcomes of health worldwide. It emphasizes the importance of addressing health issues that transcend national boundaries, recognizing that health challenges in one part of the world can have implications for others.
Pandemics, on the other hand, are outbreaks of infectious disease that spread across countries and continents, affecting a large number of people. Pandemics occur when a new virus or bacteria emerges and spreads easily among humans, often leading to widespread illness, significant economic impact, and sometimes high mortality rates.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

4. Investing in Mental Health

Depression is a complex illness. It can affect many aspects of a person's life, including their physical health and interpersonal relationships. Of course, it also affects mental health. But being unhappy isn't the same as being depressed. The word 'depression' is often used indiscriminately to describe how people feel after a difficult week at work or a break-up. Major depressive disorder, another name for clinical depression, is more than just a depressed mood. Symptoms distinguish depression from the general melancholy that everyone experiences from time to time. It can be difficult to recognise chronic depression in a loved one, but early recognition is essential for successful treatment. Knowing the warning signs and symptoms will help you get them the help they need.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

5. Aging Population and Geriatric Care

An aging population refers to a demographic shift characterized by an increasing proportion of elderly individuals within a society relative to younger age groups. This shift is primarily driven by declining birth rates and longer life expectancy due to advancements in healthcare, nutrition, and living conditions.
Geriatric care refers to the specialized healthcare and support services tailored to meet the unique needs of older adults, typically aged 65 and older. It encompasses a multidisciplinary approach that addresses not only medical treatment but also social, psychological, and rehabilitative aspects of care.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

6. Seasonal Allergies & Primary Care treatments

Seasonal allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, are allergic reactions triggered by exposure to airborne allergens such as pollen, mold spores, dust mites, and pet dander. Symptoms of seasonal allergies typically include sneezing, nasal congestion, runny or itchy nose, watery eyes, and itching of the throat or ears. Primary care providers play a key role in diagnosing and managing seasonal allergies. By implementing these primary care treatments and strategies, healthcare providers can effectively manage seasonal allergies, alleviate symptoms, and improve quality of life for patients affected by allergic rhinitis.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

7. Migration and Health

Migration and displacement have been integral aspects of human history, driven by factors such as poverty, natural disasters, war, and oppressive regimes. People move in search of better lives for themselves and their families. However, the process and context of migration can negatively impact both migrants and the communities they join, especially when their specific health needs are unmet or when the circumstances of their movement adversely affect their health. Migration can place individuals in situations that impact their physical and mental well-being, particularly for those fleeing disasters, those in irregular situations, and those with specific vulnerabilities and health needs.
Research indicates that migrants often experience poorer health and lower life expectancy compared to the general population. They face higher rates of infant and child mortality, lower reproductive health, and ineffective access to health services. This can result in either overuse or underuse of healthcare services, and a higher risk of receiving inadequate treatment.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

8. Clinical and Surgical Nursing

Clinical nursing focuses on direct patient care in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. Clinical nurses assess, diagnose, and treat patients, working closely with other healthcare professionals to develop and implement care plans.
Surgical nursing, also known as perioperative nursing, encompasses the care of patients before, during, and after surgery. Surgical nurses operate in various settings, including operating rooms, recovery rooms, and surgical units, delivering essential support throughout the entire surgical process.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

9. Womens Health

Women’s health is a broad category that includes health issues that are unique to women, such as menstruation and pregnancy, as well as conditions that affect both men and women, but that may affect women differently, such as heart disease and diabetes. Despite the significance of these health concerns, a notable disparity in healthcare research and innovation exists. Historically, women have been underrepresented in clinical trials and medical research, which has led to persistent gaps in our understanding of how specific health conditions may affect them.
An increasing demand for services that provide comprehensive, personalized care from puberty through the postmenopausal stage is reshaping women's healthcare. Previously stigmatized topics like fertility, menstruation, and menopause have become subjects of public dialogue, further driving market growth in women's health. Alongside this growing awareness is a need for greater female representation in certain medical specialties.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

10. Oncology in Healthcare

Oncology in healthcare focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and supportive care of individuals with cancer. Oncology in healthcare is a multidisciplinary field that involves collaboration among oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists, oncology nurses, nurse navigators, social workers, psychologists, nutritionists, and other allied healthcare professionals to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered care across the cancer care continuum. Through innovation, collaboration, and compassionate care, oncology healthcare teams strive to improve outcomes, enhance quality of life, and provide hope to individuals affected by cancer.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

11. Critical Care and Emergency Nursing

Critical care and emergency nursing involve the provision of specialized care to patients with life-threatening conditions or acute medical emergencies. Critical care and emergency nursing require specialized knowledge, clinical skills, critical thinking abilities, and effective communication and teamwork skills to deliver safe, high-quality care in dynamic and fast-paced environments. By providing timely interventions, advocating for patients' needs, and coordinating interdisciplinary care, critical care and emergency nurses play a vital role in stabilizing acutely ill or injured patients, optimizing outcomes, and saving lives.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

12. Vaccination & Surgery

Vaccination, also known as immunization, is a critical public health intervention that involves administering vaccines to individuals to protect them from infectious diseases. Vaccination is a cornerstone of public health, saving millions of lives each year and contributing to the control and elimination of infectious diseases globally. Surgery is a medical specialty that involves using operative techniques to treat diseases, injuries, or deformities through manual or instrumental procedures. Surgery plays a crucial role in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a wide range of medical conditions, offering patients the opportunity to achieve improved health outcomes and quality of life through surgical intervention. By combining medical expertise, technical skills, and compassionate care, surgeons and surgical teams strive to provide safe, effective, and patient-centered surgical care to individuals in need.

Related Conferences: Primary Healthcare Conferences | Nursing Conferences | Nursing Symposiums | Nursing Research Conferences | Community Health Conferences | Nursing Practice | Healthcare Technology | Mental Health Services | General Practice | Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals Conferences | Healthcare Seminars | Nursing Workshops | Health Education Conferences | Clinical research Conferences | Nursing ethics | Patient Safety Conferences | Rehabilitation therapy | Physiotherapy Conferences

Market Analysis:

In recent years from 2020-2023, several key trends have shaped the landscape of Primary Healthcare and Nursing Research and healthcare innovation. The global healthcare industry faced mounting demand driven by aging populations, the prevalence of chronic diseases, and the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for innovative healthcare solutions. Nursing research played a vital role in improving patient care and outcomes in this evolving environment. The adoption of digital health technologies and telemedicine expanded, with nursing professionals at the forefront of remote patient monitoring and electronic health records implementation. Emphasis on patient-centered care models grew, emphasizing satisfaction, engagement, and experience. Nursing research contributed to best practices in this area. Workforce challenges, including nursing shortages, prompted research into nurse retention and innovative care delivery models.  The pandemic underscored the importance of mental health, leading to research in prevention, early intervention, and holistic approaches. Additionally, nursing research influenced healthcare policy, addressed global health challenges, explored personalized medicine integration, and emphasized interprofessional collaboration for comprehensive patient care. As per evaluations, the healthcare marketplace is predictable to grow at 12.0% p.a. to US$ 69.4 billion by 2018 from a predictable US$ 39.4 billion in 2013. Casualty and inpatient markets are probable to account for 79% and 21%, correspondingly, of the overall market size.

Longdom Conferences is proud to announce and welcomes to the " International Conference on Primary Health Care and Nursing Research " upholding on the Theme: “Art of Healing: Creative Approaches in Primary Care” to be held on September 09-10, 2024 in Paris, France.

Speakers Interview