Title: The power of the senses: A case study of an ASD patient demonstrating Color Psychotherapy approach
Statement of the Problem: Color Psychotherapy (CPS) is a unique psychodynamic therapeutic approach which offers a portal to understanding the intra-psychic intricacies of individuals and their functioning in personal and social arenas. CPS is a philosophy and methodology of processes: processes of development, perception, thought and emotional experience, the center of psychological life. This therapeutic method involves a quest for the client’s healthy cores. Accordingly, the stimuli we offer in therapy account for the client’s functional strengths, or seeds of strength, in order to empower the Theoretical application: One of the most important aids in CPS for translating psychological functions into expressive qualities of colors and materials is the Fluid-Form Axis (Cohen-Or and Fischer, 2015).
The emotional world is ascribed to the Fluid dimension of the psyche (the Id). This is characterized mainly by cravings, urges and a chaotic, instinctual need for physical-emotional satisfaction. The Ego, is a functional state which is governed by elements of Form, including thought, organization and planning. Its main function is to make space for emotion and channel it into a rational medium.