
Sep 09-10, 2024    Paris, France
World Congress on

Addiction and Rehabilitation Therapy


Addiction Psychiatry

Addiction psychiatry is a specialized field of psychiatry that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of substance use disorders (SUDs) and other forms of addiction, such as gambling or internet addiction. Addiction psychiatrists are medical doctors with additional training and expertise in addiction medicine. Recent research in addiction psychiatry has uncovered promising findings regarding the efficacy of novel medications in treating opioid use disorder, reducing cravings, and preventing relapse. Additionally, studies have highlighted the importance of integrated care models that address both addiction and co-occurring mental health issues to improve long-term recovery outcomes. Advances in neuroimaging have also provided insights into the neural mechanisms underlying addictive behaviors, paving the way for more targeted interventions. This session is planned to explore a variety of essential subjects within the field of addiction psychiatry.

  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
  • Co-Occurring Disorders and Dual Diagnosis
  • Behavioral Therapies in Addiction Psychiatry
  • Adolescent Addiction and Youth Treatment
  • Neurobiology of Addiction and Brain Mechanisms

Addiction and Neuroscience

Addiction neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field that explores the neurobiological mechanisms underlying addiction. It investigates how the brain processes reward, motivation, and decision-making, shedding light on the biological aspects of addiction development and providing insights for potential treatments and prevention strategies. Recent research at the crossroads of addiction and neuroscience has unveiled breakthroughs in understanding how specific brain circuits and neurotransmitters contribute to addictive behaviors. These findings hold promise for the development of more targeted interventions and medications to combat addiction. Cutting-edge neuroimaging techniques have further advanced our knowledge of the neural changes associated with addiction, shedding light on potential therapeutic avenues. This session is designed to delve into crucial aspects at the intersection of addiction and neuroscience.

  • Neuroplasticity and Addiction
  • Neuroimaging and Addiction Research
  • Neurotransmitters and Addiction
  • Stress and Addiction
  • Neurobiological Basis of Addiction

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction, or alcoholism, is a chronic and potentially severe condition characterized by the compulsive consumption of alcohol, despite adverse consequences and a loss of control over drinking. It often leads to physical and psychological dependence, impacting both the individual's health and their social and occupational functioning. Recent research in alcohol addiction has uncovered new findings on the genetic and neurobiological factors contributing to alcohol dependence. Studies have highlighted the potential benefits of personalized treatment approaches, leveraging genetic markers, to improve the effectiveness of interventions. Additionally, emerging pharmaceutical interventions and digital health tools are being investigated to enhance recovery outcomes for individuals with alcohol use disorder. This session is planned to cover various essential aspects within the domain of alcohol addiction and its treatment.

  • Prevention and Harm Reduction
  • Alcohol Withdrawal and Detoxification
  • Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment
  • Co-occurring Mental Health Disorders
  • Alcohol and Brain Health

Food Addiction

Food addiction is a complex and controversial concept that suggests certain individuals may exhibit addictive behaviors and cravings related to specific foods, often high in sugar, fat, or salt. While not officially recognized as a mental disorder, some research explores the neurological and psychological mechanisms behind this phenomenon and its potential impact on public health. Recent research on food addiction has revealed the impact of highly processed and hyper-palatable foods on brain circuits associated with reward and craving, providing insights into the mechanisms that drive overeating. Furthermore, investigations into the gut-brain connection have highlighted the role of the microbiome in regulating appetite and food preferences, potentially contributing to the development of food addiction. Behavioral and cognitive studies are also focusing on innovative interventions and therapies to address this complex issue and promote healthier eating habits. This session aims to delve into various critical aspects related to food addiction and its impact.

  • Neurobiology of Food Addiction
  • Emotional Eating and Food Addiction
  • Treatment Approaches for Food Addiction
  • Food Cravings and Brain Chemistry
  • Impact of Food Advertising and Environment

Social Media Addiction

Social media addiction describes the compulsive and harmful overconsumption of social platforms, often resulting in negative impacts on mental health and relationships, underscoring the importance of addressing this modern behavioral issue. Recent studies on social media addiction have emphasized the psychological and emotional toll it takes on individuals, with findings highlighting its association with anxiety, depression, and decreased well-being. Additionally, research has explored the influence of algorithms and notifications on perpetuating addictive social media use, suggesting potential strategies for mitigating this issue. The development of digital well-being tools and interventions has gained traction as a means to counteract the negative consequences of excessive social media engagement. This session is intended to investigate various significant dimensions of social media addiction and its implications.

  • Effects on Mental Health
  • Social Media Withdrawal
  • Treatment and Intervention
  • Psychological Factors
  • Parenting and Youth

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Alcoholism and drug addiction are chronic, complex conditions characterized by a compulsive and harmful pattern of substance use, often leading to severe physical, psychological, and social consequences. Treatment approaches for these disorders typically involve a combination of behavioral therapies, medication-assisted treatment, and support to help individuals achieve and maintain recovery. Recent research in the field of alcoholism and drug addiction has revealed promising developments, including the effectiveness of innovative medications in reducing cravings and preventing relapse. Furthermore, studies have underscored the importance of personalized treatment strategies, tailoring interventions to individual needs. Advances in neuroimaging have deepened our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying addictive behaviors, offering potential insights for more targeted interventions. This session is planned to address essential facets related to substance use disorders and their management.

  • Detoxification and Withdrawal
  • Treatment Modalities
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Harm Reduction Strategies
  • Stigma and Addiction

Drug Addiction and Drug Abuse

Drug addiction and abuse represent a complex and pressing public health concern, characterized by the compulsive use of substances despite adverse consequences, often requiring comprehensive treatment and support for recovery. Prevention, early intervention, and access to evidence-based treatments are crucial in addressing this global issueRecent research in addiction medicine has focused on the development of more targeted and effective medications to combat substance use disorders, emphasizing the importance of personalized treatment approaches. Studies also highlight the role of behavioral interventions and support systems in promoting long-term recovery. Furthermore, advancements in telehealth and digital therapeutics have expanded access to addiction treatment, improving patient outcomes and increasing the reach of addiction services. This session is planned to examine a variety of pertinent topics within the field of addiction and substance abuse.

  • Types of Substances
  • Risk Factors and Vulnerability
  • Pharmacological Treatments
  • Community-Based Interventions

Psychopharmacology in Addiction Treatment

Psychopharmacology plays a pivotal role in addiction treatment by utilizing medications to target the neurological mechanisms of addiction, aiding individuals in managing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It's a crucial component of comprehensive addiction care, often used in conjunction with behavioral therapies for more effective outcomes. Recent research in the realm of psychopharmacology for addiction treatment has revealed innovative medications that show promise in reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms and curbing cravings in individuals with substance use disorders. Additionally, studies have emphasized the need for personalized medication approaches, recognizing that individuals may respond differently to various pharmacological treatments. Furthermore, ongoing research explores the potential of combining psychopharmacological interventions with behavioral therapies to enhance the overall effectiveness of addiction treatment. This session will conduct an in-depth exploration of various critical aspects within the field of psychopharmacology in addiction treatment.

  • Opioid Agonist Therapy
  • Anti-Craving Medications
  • Dual Diagnosis and Psychopharmacology
  • Long-Term Medication Management

Addiction and Co-Occurring Mood Disorders

Addiction and co-occurring mood disorders are often interconnected and can significantly impact an individual's physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Co-occurring mood disorders, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or other mood-related conditions, frequently coexist with addiction, creating a complex and challenging clinical situation. Recent research in the field of addiction and co-occurring mood disorders suggests that integrated treatment approaches, combining psychotherapy and medication when appropriate, show promising results in improving outcomes for individuals facing this dual diagnosis. Furthermore, studies emphasize the importance of early intervention and personalized treatment plans to address the unique needs of each patient, ultimately enhancing their chances of sustained recovery and improved mental health. These findings underscore the ongoing effort to develop more effective strategies for managing this complex and prevalent comorbidity. This session will delve into the complex interaction between addiction and co-occurring mood disorders, with a focus on comprehensive treatment strategies that address both conditions concurrently.

  • Behavioral Interventions and Therapy
  • Co-Occurring Disorders
  • Relapse Prevention and Recovery Support
  • Harm Reduction and Public Health Approaches
  • Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders
  • Impact of Addiction on Mood Disorders
  • Impact of Mood Disorders on Addiction
  • Treatment Approaches for Co-Occurring Disorders
  • Recovery and Relapse Prevention

Addiction Medicine for health care professionals

Addiction medicine is a specialized field designed to equip healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills to diagnose and treat substance use disorders effectively. It plays a crucial role in improving patient care by addressing the complex and prevalent issue of addiction. Recent research in addiction medicine has highlighted the effectiveness of telehealth and digital platforms in providing accessible and evidence-based care for individuals with substance use disorders, particularly during challenging times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, studies emphasize the importance of integrating addiction treatment into primary care settings, ensuring that individuals receive comprehensive healthcare that addresses both physical and behavioral health concerns. This session is planned to equip healthcare professionals with essential knowledge and skills in addiction medicine, enabling them to effectively diagnose and treat substance use disorders, with a focus on best practices.

Addiction Psychiatry and the Opioid Crisis

Addiction psychiatry plays a pivotal role in addressing the opioid crisis, as it focuses on both the treatment of opioid use disorders and the development of harm-reduction strategies. By integrating clinical expertise and research, addiction psychiatrists contribute to the multidisciplinary efforts needed to combat this public health emergency. Recent research in addiction psychiatry underscores the effectiveness of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in reducing opioid cravings and overdose risk, highlighting its significance in combating the opioid crisis. Furthermore, studies emphasize the role of telehealth interventions for opioid use disorder, offering accessible treatment options and support to individuals in underserved areas. Additionally, investigations into the impact of fentanyl and its analogs reveal the urgency of novel prevention and harm-reduction strategies to address this rapidly evolving facet of the crisis. This session will discuss addiction psychiatry and its connection to the opioid crisis.

  • Opioid Epidemic Overview
  • Neurobiology of Opioid Addiction
  • Pharmacological Interventions
  • Psychosocial Interventions
  • Integrated Care and Co-Occurring Disorders

Digital Health Interventions

Explore the transformative impact of digital technologies on addiction treatment and rehabilitation. Investigate mobile apps, virtual reality, and wearables to enhance remote monitoring, deliver personalized interventions, and improve overall outcomes for individuals on the path to recovery.

  • Mobile Applications for Substance Use Disorders
  • Virtual Reality Therapy in Addiction Treatment
  • Wearable Technology in Rehabilitation Monitoring
  • Telehealth Platforms for Remote Counseling
  • Digital Peer Support and Online Communities

Neurobiology of Addiction

Delve into the intricate neurobiological mechanisms underlying addiction. Explore how substances impact brain function, identify novel pharmacological targets, and advance our understanding of addiction on a neural level to inform more effective treatment strategies.

  • Neurotransmitter Systems
  • Brain Circuitry & Reward Pathways
  • Epigenetics of Substance Use Disorder
  • Neural Plasticity & Addiction
  • Neuro Imaging in Addiction Research

Dual Diagnosis and Co-occurring Disorders

Explore the complex interplay between substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. Investigate integrated treatment approaches, addressing the unique challenges of individuals with dual diagnoses, to enhance overall mental health and recovery

  • Integrated Treatment Models
  • Psychopharmacology in Dual Diagnosis
  • Trauma-Informed Care for Co-occurring Disorders
  • Dual Diagnosis Prevention Strategies
  • Comorbidity and Treatment Engagement

Precision Medicine in Addiction Treatment

Revolutionize addiction interventions by exploring personalized approaches based on genetic, neurobiological, and psychosocial factors. Investigate targeted treatments to improve effectiveness and outcomes, tailoring strategies to individual needs in the pursuit of more precise and impactful addiction care.

  • Genetic Markers in Addiction
  • Neurobiological Biomarkers
  • Personalized Pharmacotherapy
  • Psychosocial Precision Interventions
  • Ethical Considerations in Precision Medicine

Stigma Reduction Strategies

Challenge and overcome societal biases associated with addiction through innovative strategies. Explore interventions aimed at reducing stigma to foster a more compassionate and inclusive environment for individuals seeking recovery, ensuring equal access to treatment and support.

  • Public Awareness Campaigns
  • Education and Media Advocacy
  • Community-Based Anti-Stigma Programs
  • Healthcare Provider Training
  • Policy Advocacy for Stigma Reduction

Cannabis Use and Legalization Impact

Investigate the evolving landscape of cannabis use in the context of changing legal frameworks. Examine the impact of legalization on patterns of use, public health outcomes, and the development of evidence-based interventions for cannabis-related disorders, ensuring a balanced and informed approach to policy and public health.

  • Cannabis Legalization Policies
  • Public Health Implications
  • Cannabis Use Patterns Post-Legalization
  • Intervention Strategies for Cannabis Disorders
  • Social and Economic Impact

Social Determinants of Substance Use

Explore the influence of social factors on substance use behaviors, emphasizing the role of socioeconomic status, race, and healthcare access. Investigate how addressing social determinants can inform more equitable prevention and treatment strategies, fostering a comprehensive approach to understanding and mitigating substance use.

  • Socioeconomic Disparities in Substance Use
  • Racial and Ethnic Influences
  • Access to Healthcare and Treatment Disparities
  • Community-Level Interventions
  • Policy Implications

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Explore the efficacy and safety of medication-assisted treatments in addressing substance use disorders. Investigate pharmacotherapies for opioid, alcohol, and stimulant use disorders, advancing our understanding of MAT's role in comprehensive addiction care.

  • Opioid Agonist Therapies (e.g., Methadone, Buprenorphine)
  • Alcohol Use Disorder Medications
  • Stimulant Use Disorder Pharmacotherapies
  • MAT and Co-occurring Mental Health Conditions
  • Access and Implementation Challenges in MAT

Mindfulness-Based Interventions

Explore the transformative potential of mindfulness in addiction recovery. Investigate mindfulness-based interventions for managing cravings, preventing relapse, and improving overall mental well-being. Understand the integration of mindfulness practices in addiction treatment to enhance resilience and promote sustained recovery.

  • Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention
  • Mindfulness Meditation and Craving Reduction
  • Mindfulness in Substance Use Disorder Counseling
  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction
  • Mindfulness in Residential Treatment Programs

Peer Support Models

Examine the impact of peer support on addiction recovery, emphasizing mutual assistance and shared understanding. Investigate diverse peer support models that empower individuals on their recovery journey, fostering community connections and reducing isolation for sustained positive outcomes.

  • Recovery Coaching and Mentorship
  • Online Peer Support Communities
  • Peer-Led Group Therapy
  • Workplace Peer Support Programs
  • Cultural Competence in Peer Support

Long-Term Recovery Outcomes

Delve into the factors contributing to sustained recovery from addiction. Explore the roles of social support, lifestyle changes, and ongoing treatment strategies in long-term success. Investigate the psychosocial and clinical aspects influencing individuals on their recovery journey for improved outcomes and quality of life.

  • Social Support Networks
  • Lifestyle Modifications and Recovery
  • Post-Treatment Continuum of Care
  • Resilience and Coping Strategies
  • Mental Health in Long-Term Recovery

Telehealth in Rehabilitation Services

Explore the transformative role of telehealth in delivering rehabilitation services. Investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of virtual platforms in providing counseling, support, and therapeutic interventions. Assess the impact of telehealth on accessibility and engagement in rehabilitation, shaping the future of remote healthcare delivery.

  • Telecounseling and Remote Therapy
  • Virtual Rehabilitation Programs
  • Technology-Assisted Monitoring and Feedback
  • Telehealth in Group Rehabilitation Settings
  • Privacy and Ethical Considerations in Telehealth
Speakers Interview