
Oct 14-15, 2025    Paris, France
11th Global Summit on

Renewable Energy and Climate Change

Mateo Gasparovic

Mateo Gasparovic


Title: Advanced remote sensing methods for environmental development monitoring


This research presents advanced remote sensing methods and techniques for monitoring and analysis of environmental development. The research deals with novel state-of-the-art technology for spatial data collection based on satellite imagery as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Preprocessing, classification of satellite and aerial imageries, as well as methods for the land-cover mapping, environmental monitoring, and environment development analysis will be shown and explained in real cases. Furthermore, some methods (and measures) for the accuracy assessment of the land-cover classification and remotely sensed measured and collected values will be discussed. The entire process of environmental development monitoring will be shown on real case studies. All newly developed and presented methodology was based on the open-source software and tested on the open-source data. Therefore, presented procedures can be easily used, free of charge, in the environmental development monitoring and analysis of various applications and areas around the world.



Assistant Professor Mateo Gašparović, Ph.D. is the Head of the Chair of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing of the Faculty of Geodesy, University of Zagreb. As a scientist, Prof. Gašparović actively works on the development and application of advanced remote sensing and photogrammetry methods in environmental science, geoinformation system, documentation of cultural heritage and the development of UAVs. He is giving lectures on Geoinformation Systems and Advanced Remote Sensing at the Faculty of Geodesy. Prof. Gašparović is currently the Vice-Dean for Business and Finance at the Faculty of Geodesy. He is a project manager on project “Advanced photogrammetry and remote sensing methods for environmental change monitoring – RS4ENVIRO” funded by the University of Zagreb and researcher on projects “Geospatial Monitoring of Green Infrastructure by Means of Terrestrial, Airborne and Satellite Imagery – GEMINI” and “Retrieval of Information from Different Optical 3D Remote Sensing Sources for Use in Forest Inventory – 3D-FORINVENT” funded by Croatian Science Foundation