Scientific program

Jun 27-28, 2024    London, UK
10th Global Summit on

Renewable Energy and Resources

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Keynote Forum

Mark Bomberg
10:00 AM-10:30 AM Hall 1

Title: Success in mastering climate change is within our reach


In 2008, to reach zero energy in the US, the government proposed 90 % energy reduction for new buildings and 50% for existing buildings. The first objective is expensive but on track; yet, without the subsystem integration, the second objective is now and will remain the failure. If people had a convincing reason, e.g., slowing climate change, people would start moving towards retrofitting goal, but there is no such reason. This presentation will be started with the first principles of system analysis and look at separate buildings, or full districts of buildings, as an integrated system. Our approach uses principles of nature in the background and human comfort in the center. With this in mind, we try to recreate the thinking behind the Ford Model T by proposing a universal, affordable, climate-related technology for the next generation of construction. We will monitor field performance and use the building’s automatic control systems to optimize HVAC operation under service conditions.

     Then, we analyzed the heating, cooling, and ventilation with a view to:

  1. Two-stage construction process. The first stage is to achieve the best performance within a prescribed investment limit, the second stage is reducing the cost for measures to reach the required energy,
  2. A building automatically controls the contribution of thermal mass, geothermal and solar exergy, and a water-sourced heat pump operating under an adaptable indoor climate. We also use a monitoring and modeling system. We have an affordable solution with complete integration of HVAC and the building structure.

Having the technology, we need to bridge the chasm between socioeconomic needs and construction technology. The public must know that new, affordable technology can improve the comfort of life and simultaneously slow climate change. In short, new technology success depends on how broad the audience is. The role of the conference organizers is to invite the leading architects so the keynote talk and the following workshop discussion, so that a broad public can be convinced that in a few years, we can achieve as much as was done from the 1980s until today.


Professor MARK BOMBERG, Technology D. (Lund Uni., Sweden 1974), and D. Science in Engineering, (Warsaw TU, Poland, 1965), Research Prof. at Mechanical Eng., Clarkson U, Potsdam NY, Honorary Member of Building Enclosure Technology and Environment (BETEC) Committee of the National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) in Washington, DC, worked at National Research Council of Canada (1975-2000) and was Editor-in-Chief of J. Building Physics (1984-2018). He lives in Canada but works in the US. He taught in the US (Syracuse and Clarkson U), Canada (Concordia, McMaster U), Germany (Dresden TU), Poland (Krakow, Kielce, Warszawa, Olsztyn), and China (Tonji, Shanghai, Southeast, Nanjing). He is currently an Academic Editor in the Journals: Buildings and Energies (Basel, CH). He received the highest awards in building physics in the US and Canada. He co-supervised 6 Ph.D. and 10 M.Sc. theses. His research background includes heat, air, moisture, material science, and durability of construction materials, but his passion is the popularization of building science. He has 77,000 reads and 1250 citations on the Research Gate from more than 220 peer-reviewed papers and seven books.

Uwe Ritschel
10:30 AM-11:00 AM Hall 1

Uwe Ritschel


Title: Simulation of ancillary services for the electrical grid from wind turbines


In the context of the energy transition coal and nuclear power plants will be replaced by renewable generation. For instance, the German government plans that 80 % of the electrical energy should come from renewable sources until 2030, to a substantial extent from wind and photovoltaic power plants. As a consequence, power quality from renewable sources has to be high and ancillary services to stabilize the grid have to be provided. As wind and photovoltaic plants are connected to the grid with inverters and the fuels, wind and sunlight, cannot be supplied to the generation process on demand one needs to make extra efforts to catch up with the conventional technology based on synchronous generators directly coupled to the grid and mechanical torque delivered by a steam turbine or diesel motor. In this paper we concentrate on two issues in this context. Firstly, we investigate the case of synthetic inertia or, more general, fast frequency response provided by wind turbines. With the help of general analytic modelling it is possible to discuss capabilities and limitations of wind turbines in this respect on a quantitative level. Then we set up a numerical model consisting of an aeroelastic simulation model (NREL FAST 8) for a wind turbine and a detailed converter model (with Matlab/Simulink). The torque is controlled at the generator-side converter and grid frequency variations are considered. The model allows us to obtain a detailed picture of the back-reaction of the wind turbine when fast-frequency response is introduced. Fast-frequency response is studied in different wind situations (steady wind and turbulent wind). Additional loads on the wind turbine and impact of energy production are analyzed for a maximum frequency drop and for continuous supply based on a frequency time series. In the next step we introduce a battery in the power generation system. The battery is integrated at DC link point such that at the grid-side the inverter has two sources. The battery storage system as a secondary source is a good approach for making wind turbines dispatchable. A controller is designed to control the power output to the grid depending upon the grid requirements and power production by charging or discharging the battery storage system while keeping a stable DC link voltage. The simulation results illustrate the control of DC-link integrated battery energy storage system in different wind conditions. What kind of ancillary service may be provided to the grid clearly depends on the battery capacity. With the right battery size such a system would be also suitable for a so-called minigrid.


Uwe Ritschel was trained as a physicist and worked in wind industry since the year 2000 with focus on simulation and design of wind turbines. In 2014 he became Professor of Wind Energy Technology at the University of Rostock (Germany). Uwe Ritschel has worked on many R&D projects together with industry companies on various topics like for example floating wind turbines and grid integration of wind electricity. Since 2019 he is director of the IWEN Energy Institute, and he is teaching wind energy technology at the Southern Mediterranean University at Tunis

 Mingxuan Mao
11:00 AM-11:30 AM Hall 1

Title: Research on power optimization strategies of photovoltaic array on highway pavement under the dynamic random vehicle shading conditions


As a new trend of photovoltaic (PV) power generation comprehensive utilization project, "PV + expressway" is in the embryonic stage of development. Compared with the traditional PV power generation system, the shadow distribution of vehicles with strong random uncertainty and rapid change speed is formed by the high-speed driving vehicles in the PV highway. On the one hand, it is easy to induce the series and parallel mismatching of the pavement PV arrays, resulting in the power losses. On the other hand, it leads to the complex fast changing multi peak phenomenon of the output characteristics of the pavement PV arrays, increases the difficulty of maximum power point tracking control, and further intensifies the power losses. In order to solve the above problems, this project takes highway the pavement PV array as the research object, explores vehicle shadow distribution of PV highway based on vehicle traffic flow theory, establishes multi scene mathematical model of highway pavement PV array, analyzes output characteristics and maximum power point distribution of the pavement PV array under dynamic random vehicle shadow, and studies the optimal design of the pavement PV array configuration based on the reverse analysis method and the maximum power point tracking strategy of the pavement PV array based on self leading algorithm library. The purpose of this project is to reduce the power loss of the highway pavement PV array under the shadow of dynamic random vehicles, improve the power generation efficiency of pavement PV array, and lay a theoretical foundation for the development and application of PV highway, which has important engineering value and scientific significance.



Mingxuan Mao received the Ph.D. degree in control theoryand control engineering at Chongqing University in 2017.From June 2016 to June 2017, he was a visiting scholar in University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K., where he was engaged in research on advanced control theory and applications for renewable power generation and power electronics. His research interests include renewableenergy systems, power electronics converterand artificial intelligence algorithm.

Ghasem Najafpour-Darzi
11:30 AM-12:00 AM Hall 1

Ghasem Najafpour-Darzi

Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran Iran

Title: Enhanced and High Yield Biofuel Production as Sustainable Bioenergy


Bioenergy is an alternative and renewable source of energy has been considered as sustainable environmental friendly process. Biomass waste conversion to biofuel is an effective and promising process to solve and partially contribute alternation of green energy without any consumption of fossil fuel. Besides, greenhouse gases certainly affected on global warming and climate changes. In the process of biomass generation carbon dioxide is utilized via photosynthetic process. The solar energy is naturally absorbed via chlorophyll photosynthesis; as a result, fats, lipids and free fatty acids are synthesized by means of algal growth in saline aqueous phase. Naturally, the source of carbon dioxide is easily providing through fermentation of ethanol process. Since, the theoretical yield of fermentable sugar in ethanol production is low (0.51 g ETOH/g glucose) because of the liberation of carbon dioxide; then, utilization of CO 2 biofixation would enhance the process yield by algal biomass generation. The lignocellulose algal biomass can be reduced to fermentable sugar via dilute acid or enzymatic hydrolysis. Either the sugar or algal residues are used in ethanol fermentation process or in co-digestion for enhanced methane production. The green pigments found in the mesosomes of Cyanobacteria and in the chloroplasts of algae and plants has great potential to absorb light intensity while carbon dioxide is incorporated in the photosynthetic process. As a results fats are generated in algal cells. The greenish oil is extracted for transesterification process in production of biodiesel. The potential microalgae stains for generation of lipids would be Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella, Scenedesmus quadricauda and Synechococcus spp. The synthesized lipids, fats and free fatty acids are extracted, then distilled to obtain feed for transesterification for generation of methyl- or ethyl-esters used as biodiesel. In the stage of extraction, the remaining residues are processed either for dilute acid hydrolysis to deliver fermentable sugar or as supplement for co-digestion of process waste effluents to produce highly pure methane (purity of methane 97%) in an up flow anaerobic process. The fermentable substrate obtained from lingocellulosic walls of algae goes for ethanol production into a PDMS membrane bioreactor. The process off-gas is directed to a bioreactor for the growth of desired stains of microalgae. The entire processes would have zero waste with efficient generation of biofuels such as ethanol, methane and biodiesel.

Keywords: Biofuel; CO 2 biofixation; High Carbon yield; Membrane bioreactor; Renewable energy


Distinguished Professor Ghasem D. Najafpour
A distinguished professor in Chemical Engineering and Chairman of Biotechnology Research Center, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran. He is an educated scholar from University of Arkansas, USA with strong background in biological processes. He is deeply involved in research and teaching in biochemical engineering subjects and he has conducted many practical researches in enzyme technology, fermentation processes, biodiesel, biofuel, biosurfactant, Pharmaceutical, medicine formulation, nano-biotechnology, wastewater treatment and biochemical engineering area. In fact, he is a Chemical Engineer and Biotechnologist, B.Sc., Medical Technolog University of Isfahan, Iran (1972), M.Sc., Chemical Engineering University of Oklahoma, USA (1977) and Ph.D., Chemical Engineering University of Arkansas, USA (1983). He served as assistant professor at University of Mazandran, Iran (1983-1989). Visiting Professor at University of Waterloo Canada and University of Arkansas, USA (1990-1991). He also spent his sabbatical leave at University of Arkansas, USA (1992-1993). There, he has expanded his scientific research activities on single cell protein (SCP), Microbial fuel cells, renewable energy and synthetic fuels. He served as associate professor at University of Mazandaran, Iran (1994-1998) and Universiti of Sains Malaysia, Malaysia (1998 – 2005). He served as full professor in Faculty of Chemical Engineering at Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran (2005-2018). Since December 2018, he was appointed as
distinguished professor, head of Biotechnology Center in in Faculty of Chemical Engineering at Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Iran.

Since 2008, he is serving as Editor in Chief of highly qualified International Journal of Engineering (, indexed in “Web of Science”. He is also Editor in Chief of Iranian Journal of Energy and Environment ( since 2010. He is an active member of many international institutes, editor and reviewers of number of international journals and many scientific societies. Often he is invited to many international conferences as keynote speakers.In past decades, he has supervised more than 180 master and 50 Ph.D. students. He has published more than 500 papers in international journals and has written 10 books in the field of
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. In year 2006, he has published his 1 st edition of his book with Elsevier entitled "Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology". The 2nd edition of "Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology" with 20 chapters is published by Elsevier on Feb. 2015.

A few times, he has been awarded and appointed by the Ministry of High Education of Iran as the best and top researcher in Iranian Universities. He won number of awards for research achievements and winner of gold medal for the Invention/Innovation sponsored by Ministry of Science, Technology Malaysia, 2004. His researches for formulation of transparent soap and natural biodegradable liquid detergent from palm oil’s fatty acids, was patented with SIRIM Berhad,
Malaysia (2003). Currently, he is supervising number of PhD scholars, postdoc research scientists and conducting top research projects on microbial fuel cells, biodiesel biohydrogen, biodiesel, biofuel from algae, bioethanol from agro-wastes, enzyme technology, renewable energy, heterogeneous catalytic processes, synthesis and application of medicine and drug delivery,separation and purification enzymes and bio-based material, wastewater treatment and biological
treatment processes.

Francesca Pantaleone

Title: Power optimization strategies


The aim of this paper is to analyze the factors affecting hydrogen and Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies (“CCS”) policies, taking into consideration Fossil Fuel Consumption, Oil Reserves, the Debt/GDP Ratio, the Trilemma Index and other variables with respect to OECD countries. STATA 17 was used for the analysis. The results confirm the hypothesis that countries with high fossil fuel consumption and oil reserves are investing in blue hydrogen and CCS towards a “zero-carbon-emission” perspective. Moreover, countries with a good Debt/GDP ratio act most favorably to green policies by raising their Public Debt, because Foreign Direct Investments are negatively correlated with those kinds of policies. Future research should exploit Green Finance policy decision criteria on green and blue hydrogen. 



Francesca Pantaleone is a young appassionate of energy sector, with particular focus on sustainability topics. Already graduated from University of Siena and Ljubljana through Double Degree program, is currently attending the last year of Green Economy course at University of Ferrara. Currently working for a multinational energy company in Milan as analyst for B2B gas sector.


Mateo Gasparovic

Title: Advanced remote sensing methods for environmental development monitoring


This research presents advanced remote sensing methods and techniques for monitoring and analysis of environmental development. The research deals with novel state-of-the-art technology for spatial data collection based on satellite imagery as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Preprocessing, classification of satellite and aerial imageries, as well as methods for the land-cover mapping, environmental monitoring, and environment development analysis will be shown and explained in real cases. Furthermore, some methods (and measures) for the accuracy assessment of the land-cover classification and remotely sensed measured and collected values will be discussed. The entire process of environmental development monitoring will be shown on real case studies. All newly developed and presented methodology was based on the open-source software and tested on the open-source data. Therefore, presented procedures can be easily used, free of charge, in the environmental development monitoring and analysis of various applications and areas around the world.



Professor Mateo Gasparovic, Ph.D. is the head of the chair of photogrammetry and remote sensing of the faculty of geodesy, University of Zagreb. As a scientist, Prof. Gasparovic actively works on the development and application of advanced remote sensing and photogrammetry methods in environmental science, geoinformation system, documentation of cultural heritage and the development of UAVs. 


Sulaiman Al Yahyaa

Sulaiman Al Yahyaa

Saudi Arabia

Title: Impact of renewable energy on environments


Date palm trees, being an important source of nutrition, are grown at a large scale in Saudi Arabia. The biomass waste of date palm discarded in a ungreen manner at present, can be used for biofuel generation through fast pyrolysis technique. This technique is considered viable for thermochemical conversion of solid biomass into biofuels in terms of initial investment, production cost, operation cost as well as power consumption and thermal application cost. In this study, a techno economic analysis has been performed to assess the feasibility of converting date palm waste into bio-oil, char and burnable gases by defining the optimum reactor design and thermal profile. The results from the previous studies concluded that at an optimum temperature of 525oC, the maximum bio-oil, char and gases obtained from pyrolysis of date palm waste contributed 38.8, 37.2 and 24% of the used feed stock material (on weight basis) respectively, while fluidized bed reactor exhibited high suitability for fast pyrolysis. Based on the pyrolysis product percentage, the economic analysis estimated the net saving of US$ 556.8 per ton of the date palm waste processed in the pyrolysis unit. It was further estimated that Saudi Arabia can earn US$ 44.77 million per annum, approximately, if 50% of the total date palm waste is processed through fast pyrolysis with a payback time of 2.57 years. Besides that, this intervention will reduce 3618 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually, contributing towards a lower carbon footprint.



Sulaiman Alyahya is an academic professor by by profession and works with one of the govrnment univerities in Saudi Arabia. He holds a BSc in Agricultural engineering from King Saud University (Saudi Arabia) and MSc and PhD in agricultural engineering from Iowa State University(USA). Sulaiman has 30 years of experience in education, research and administration.  Curently, his main interest is in biomass energy. Sulaiman grew up in one of the agricultural cities of Saudi Arabia


Julio Terrados Cepeda

Title: Photovoltaic array on highway pavement under the dynamic random vehicle shading conditions


The objective of two-stage SD-MILP is modeled as a convex combination of the expected profit and the T-CVaR hourly risk measure. When day-ahead, intra-day and real-time market prices and fleet mobility are uncertain, the proposed two-stage SD-MILP model yields optimal EV charging/discharging plans for day-ahead, intra-day and real-time markets at per device level. The degradation costs of EV batteries are precisely modeled. To reflect the continuous clearing nature of the intra-day and real-time markets, rolling planning is applied, which allows re-forecasting and re-dispatching. The proposed two-stage SD-MILP is used to derive a bidding curve of an aggregator managing 1000 EVs. Furthermore, the model statistics and computation time are recorded while simulating the developed algorithm with 5000 EVs.



Dr. Julio Terrados holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University of Jaén (Spain) since 2005, and Master Degrees both in Aeronautical Engineering (Madrid Polytechnics University, 1989) and in Business Administration MBA (IDEOR, 1994). He teaches and researches at University of Jaén since 1994 and serves currently as Tenured Senior Lecturer at Projects Department. He is also an External Professor at the Universidad Internacional de Andalucia and Visiting Professor at Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia). Dr. Terrados main research interests are focused on sustainable energy planning, renewable resources assessment and strategic planning. He has co-authored twenty-five peer-reviewed papers and twenty- two books and chapters. In addition, he has been main researcher or participant in more than twenty research projects funded by public institutions or private companies.


Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin

Title: Ecosystem services in pasture by shelter created from the hybrid sterile bioenergy


Recent years have seen a significant increase in interest in mangrove biodiversity and conservation due to better awareness of the values, functions, and features of mangrove ecosystems as a result of scientific investigation. Mangrove forests are a unique coastal ecosystem defined by their specific adaptations that allow them to live abundantly in brackish water and saline soil, on sheltered shores that undergo fresh and salt-water influx regularly. Despite accounting for only about 1% of global forest coverage, mangroves are keystone ecosystems that provide a variety of critical ecological processes and environmental services to both terrestrial and marine biomes. Even though mangroves play an important role in the global carbon cycle and climate change, their extent has inexorably decreased in recent decades. It is mostly because of human activities such as aquaculture expansion, coastal development, and overharvesting that the population has declined. As a result of recent years' efforts, global society has become more mindful of and concerned about the subject of climate change, particularly global warming. It has been particularly noticeable in recent years that global warming is present and having an impact on human comforts, as well as its existence and effects. Heat waves, forest fires, sea level rise, pollution, habitat loss, and a reduction in biodiversity resources are just a few of the extreme events that have occurred recently to highlight the presence of global warming. On the other hand, the mangrove species at risk are the main concern to be conserved and preserved for future generations. The study aims to promote coastal and mangrove forest conservation and natural and cultural value preservation through the rehabilitation of swamp forests (mangrove) in the north coast area of Malaysia. This project directly promotes the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) through the rehabilitation and restoration of degraded ecosystems and the promotion of the recovery of threatened mangrove species. This research will rely on case studies and observations of a rehabilitation project on Malaysia's north coast. Observational monitoring of key indicators is important to determine the performance of rehabilitation or restoration projects' aims and objectives, as well as to guide adaptive management and decision-making.

To achieve this objective, additional investment and commitment to research and adaptive management methods would be required. These concepts are illustrated through case studies of mangrove restoration and rehabilitation programmes in the northern coastal area of Malaysia, which are both hotspots for mangrove biodiversity and are experiencing ongoing loss and degradation. The results demonstrated that the success of the mangrove rehabilitation project and the number of endangered species restored will determine the expected outcome. This current study has both practical and social implications. Regarding the practical contribution, the countries should strengthen the legislative framework for management of mangrove diversity and conservation.


Dr. Ahmad Shabudin Ariffin is a senior lecturer at Faculty of Business and Management Science, Perlis Islamic College University (KUIPs), Malaysia. He has been appointed as the Director for Research and Innovation Management Centre (RMIC) KUIPs since 1st October 2019 which offers national and international networking, research collaboration as well as community & industry engagement. Dr. Ahmad Shabudin previously has been a senior lecturer at Universiti UtaraMalaysia (UUM) for seven years. During his time, he has published extensively in local and international journals as well books on supply chain and logistics management. He has completed his Bachelor from University of Science Malaysia (USM) and Master’s degree as well as Doctoral degree from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) which broaden her horizon as an academic in technology, operations, and logistics management. Along with his experience and educational background he has been appointed as board of director for KLPK Ternak Sdn. Bhd. Dr. Ahmad Shabudin is a professional membership for International Supply Chain Education Alliance (ISCEA) since October 2021 and also a member for Federation of Malaysian Unit Trust Managers since 2010.


Marian Niesler

Title: Pyrolysed Residual Biomass as a Substitutional Fuel for Iron Ores Sintering Process


The paper presents results of the research on the use of chars produced during pyrolysis of residual biomass as a substitutional fuel in the iron ore sintering process. Such the approach allows to implement circular economy and industrial symbiosis to iron and steel branch. The effect of the substitution of conventional coke breeze fuel used in sintering on final sinter quality and emission was examined. In regard to productivity, fuel consumption and properties of the sinter it was shown, that the share of tested biochars in fuel may be kept at 10 up to 30wt.%, depending on the biochar type. It was observed, that with the use of the biochars, the content of iron oxide in the sinter decreased, what was advantageous. Moreover, the sinter obtained at the presence of biochars characterized with better strength and abrasion than the sinter obtained with coke breeze based fuel improving the final product quality. The presence of biochar influenced on raw exhaust gas composition and resulted in slight increase of organic and inorganic carbon compounds content, while the amount of sulphur oxides was noticeably decreased. It was concluded the biochars may be applied in sintering process at established share in the fuel stream.



Marian Niesler is research worker, associate professor, Head of the Department of Primary Processes. Specialist in the field of blast furnace process, iron ore sintering, environmental protection and implementation of new fuels and reducing agents in metallurgical processes. An expert in the field of best available BAT techniques for steel iron production. Four industry guides on the application of BAT techniques for the metallurgical industry and administration were created under the order of the Ministry of the Environment.


Cristina Saez Blazquez

Title: Research on power optimization strategies of photovoltaic array on highway pavement under the dynamic random vehicle shading conditions


Cristina Saez Blazquez is technical mining engineer (2012) from the University of Salamanca, obtaining an extraordinary prize in this degree. She also has a Degree in Mining and Energy (2014, University of Salamanca), and completed a MS Degree in Laboral Risks in 2013 at the “Camilo José Cela” University and a Mining and Energy MS Degree at the University of León (2018). In 2019, she obtained her PhD with international mention in shallow geothermal resources at the University of Salamanca. During her predoctoral formation, she was awarded by a predoctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry that allowed her being professor at the Higher Polytechnic School of Ávila (University of Salamanca). Additionally, she was a visiting researcher at the University of Vigo (2016), the Polytechnic University of Turin (2017) and the University of Padua (2018). She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the TIDOP Research Group from the University of Salamanca. She is author of several papers and conference contributions related to the optimization of low enthalpy geothermal systems.



Markus Meindl
01:00 PM-01:30 PM Hall 1

Markus Meindl

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Institute of Power Electronics, Nuremberg, Germany Germany

Title: Requirements for the renewable energy supply of a future regional airport


The transition of air traffic in Europe from fossil fuels to sustainable air traffic presents airports with new challenges currently being addressed [1]. The Innovation Airport Rotterdam The Hague (RHIA) is a regional airport and project partner of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). This specific data gives a solid and valid basis, which made this study possible. RHIA wants to adapt its infrastructure to the change in aircraft types. To achieve this, RHIA plans to convert around 70% of its aircraft movements from 2030 and replace the remaining 30% with hydrogen-powered aircraft by 2050 [2]. Work has begun on the electrification of baggage, passenger and refuelling vehicles. The already existing charging infrastructure and the refuelling of aircraft at the airports of the future must be adapted and expanded to sustainable, electric air traffic. Accordingly, this study looks at the period from 2030 to 2050.

Using physical simulations based on real-time data, initial estimates and classifications can be calculated for a regional airport's restructuring and energy requirements when operating with hybrid-electric aircraft. The hybrid-electric aircraft should have a range of about 1100 km, with a reserve range of about 340 km for a potential second climb phase, and be able to transport 50 passengers (PAX) [3, 4]. In this field, aircraft manufacturers such as Airbus plan to introduce hydrogen aircraft by 2035. Under the acronym ZEROe (short for Zero Emissions), Airbus plans three types of passenger aircraft that will run on liquid hydrogen fuel [5]. For a long-term outlook in the various time horizons of different hybrid-electric aircraft configurations in operation, the infrastructure of the regional airport must be adapted accordingly. In 2030, the hybrid configuration is with a gas turbine and battery. From 2040 onwards, the energy supply for the aircraft should consist of fuel cells and batteries. Based on a flight plan of the RHIA regional airport, it will be determined which service levels are required and which options are available for future scenarios [4].

The operation at the airport should meet the short ground times for regional aircraft and be analysed in a model. Suitable supply technologies for energy storage on the ground, grid connection and energy transmission to the aircraft were included in the analysis. In addition, the system's energy efficiency is to be improved with a battery model, and the concept of a large electrolyser is to be tested to gain information about hydrogen production on-site. Further investigations will be carried out on more detailed models of the PV park and the electrolyser. The study thus provides an overview of the energy demand of a regional airport, divided into individual time horizons.



Markus Meindl was born in Landshut, Germany, in 1993. He received the M.Sc. degree in electric engineering from the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany, in 2021, and is currently working on his PhD. degree in electrical engineering. Since 2022, he has been an PhD Student and Research Assistant with the Institute of Power Electronics on Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg His current research interests include sustainable hybrid-electric aircraft systems, power electronics for aircraft applications, improved utilization of electrical machines, on-ground energy supply systems for future airports, and transportation electrification in general.


Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wagdi Khalifa
01:00 PM-01:30 PM Hall 1

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wagdi Khalifa

PhD in Finance, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus. Turkey

Title: Investigating the Effect of Explanatory Antecedents on Energy Consumption in South Africa: A Bootstrap ARDL Analysis


Energy generation from carbon fuels is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, with fossil fuels being responsible for about seventy-five (75%) of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly ninety percent (90%) of carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, it is imperative to support the development of cleaner, more efficient, low-cost, sustainable, and energy-reliable alternative fuels. In this study, we examine the effect of oil prices, ecological footprint, banking sector development, and economic growth on energy consumption in South Africa. We employed the newly developed bootstrap autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model to investigate the short and long-term linkages between explanatory antecedents and energy consumption. Our findings reveal that economic growth and ecological footprint have a significant positive effect on energy consumption in both the short and long run in South Africa, indicating that rapid economic growth and improved environmental quality can lead to increased energy use. However, the ARDL results suggest that the industrial structure has a positive and significant effect only in the short run. Furthermore, oil price shocks have a negative and significant relationship with energy consumption in the short and long run, indicating that increased oil prices reduce energy use in South Africa. Based on our study's results, we propose several policy recommendations to government authorities, policymakers, environmentalists, and other stakeholders to develop an energy strategy that aligns with sustainable economic growth and environmental sustainability.

Keywords: Carbon fuels, Greenhouse gas emissions, Bootstrap ARDL, Energy consumption, Economic growth, Ecological footprint, Oil prices, South Africa


• Spring 2018: PhD in Finance, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus.
• Spring 2016: Certificate in Investment Appraisal and Risk Analysis. Queen's University, Canada.
• Fall 2004: M. S. in accounting, University of Benghazi (Garyounis University), Faculty of Economics, Libya
• Spring 1996: B. S. in accounting, University of Benghazi (Garyounis University), Faculty of Economics, Libya.

Academic Experience:
• Fall 2000-2004: Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Economics, University of Benghazi (Garyounis University)
• Fall 2005-2010: Lecturer/ Instructor in the Faculty of Economics / University of Benghazi.
• Fall 2015 to Summer 2016: Senior lecturer, Girne American University, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Business & Economics.
• Fall 2016: Senior Lecturer (part time), Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics & Business Administration.
• Fall 2016 to Spring 2018: Senior Lecturer (part time), Cyprus International University, Department of Accounting & Finance, Faculty of Business & Economics.
• Fall 2018 to 2019: Full-time instructor, Girne American University, Accounting Department, Business Faculty.
• Fall 2019 to present: Full-time instructor, University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Accounting and Finance Department, Business Faculty.

Ponle Henry Kareem
01:30 PM-02:00 PM Hall 1

Ponle Henry Kareem

Department of Banking and Finance Near East University, Nicosia Turkey

Title: An assessment of the benefit and challenges of Energy recovery from HVAC Condense for improving IAQ and energy efficiency.


As concerns over environmental sustainability and energy costs continue to grow, the need for energy-efficient and sustainable buildings becomes increasingly important. HVAC systems account for a significant portion of energy consumption in buildings, and there is growing interest in technologies that can improve their efficiency. One such technology is the recovery of energy from HVAC condensate, which has the potential to improve indoor air quality (IAQ) while reducing energy consumption. The aim of this paper is to explore the benefits and challenges of energy recovery from HVAC condensate and provide recommendations for its implementation. To assess the feasibility and benefits of energy recovery from HVAC condensate, the study analyzes energy consumption data from a commercial building with an HVAC system that incorporates an energy recovery system for condensate. The study also analyzes data on IAQ and bacterial growth in the HVAC system before and after the implementation of the energy recovery system. The analysis of the data showed that the implementation of an energy recovery system for HVAC condensate can significantly reduce energy consumption and improve IAQ in buildings. The recovered energy from condensate can be used for various applications, such as preheating the water supply or heating the building. Additionally, energy recovery from condensate can reduce the risk of bacterial growth by minimizing standing water in the HVAC system, thereby improving IAQ. However, careful consideration of system design, maintenance, and safety is necessary to ensure that the benefits of energy recovery from condensate are realized while minimizing any potential risks. This study recommends that building owners and HVAC system designers consider implementing energy recovery systems for HVAC condensate as a cost-effective and sustainable solution for improving IAQ and energy efficiency. However, careful consideration should be given to system design, maintenance, and safety to ensure that the benefits of energy recovery from condensate are realized while minimizing any potential risks.


Ponle Henry Kareem is an accomplished professional in the fields of finance, accounting, and education. With a diverse educational background and extensive experience in the industry, he has made significant contributions to the academic and corporate sectors.

Ponle Henry Kareem was born on July 7th, 1974. He holds a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Banking and Finance from Near East University, Nicosia, which he obtained in 2023. Prior to his Ph.D., he earned a Master of Science (MSc.) in Accountancy from Imo State University, Owerri in 2016. He also holds a Master of Science in MBA in Financial Management from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, obtained in 2006, and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Accounting from Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma in 2004. Additionally, he has a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Management (Accounting Option) from the University of Calabar in 1999 and an Associate Degree in Accounting and Auditing from Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin in 1997.

Ponle Henry Kareem is an active member of various professional organizations. He is a Fellow Member (FCE) of the Institute of Chartered Economists of Nigeria since 2022. He is also a Full Member of the Institute of Public Accountants, Australia since 2020, an Associate of the Institute of Financial Accountants, U.K since 2019, an Associate Member of the National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria since 2005, and an Associate Member of the Nigeria Institute of Management (Chartered) since 2003.

Throughout his career, Ponle Henry Kareem has taught undergraduate and graduate-level courses in various academic institutions. He currently teaches at Near East University, Nicosia, Rauf Dentaz University, Nicosia, and The University of Mediterranean Karpasia, Cyprus. He has taught courses such as Advanced Theory of Finance, Principles of Accounting, Business Mathematics, Career Development Planning, Management Forecasting, Auditing, Oil & Gas Accounting, Company Law, and many more.

In terms of industry experience, Ponle Henry Kareem has held several key positions. He worked as a Regional Operations Manager at Nasco Group of Companies from 2013 to 2016, an Account Sales Manager at Chi Limited, Lagos (TGI group) from 2010 to 2012, the Head of Marketing at Equinox Industries Nig Ltd from 2008 to 2009, a Field Sales Manager at Industrial Project International Nig. from 2006 to 2008, and a Depot Manager at Unilever Nig Plc from 2001 to 2003.

Ponle Henry Kareem has made significant contributions to the academic community through his research publications. His articles have been published in international refereed journals such as Energies and Transnational Journal of Economics, Finance, and Management. He has also published articles in national peer-reviewed journals like the Research Journal of Financial Sustainability Reporting.


In addition to his academic and professional achievements, Ponle Henry Kareem has actively participated in conferences related to his field of expertise. He attended the Diversity of Investment Conference organized by the Department of Business Administration at Knowledge University in Iraq in 2021 and the 13th Annual Banking and Finance Conference of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria in 2020.

With his extensive knowledge, experience, and passion for his field, Ponle Henry Kareem continues to make valuable contributions to academia, finance, and accounting. He is committed to sharing his expertise with students and professionals alike, driving innovation and excellence in these domains.

Nada Hamed Rabie

Title: Urban wastewater treatment in African countries: Evidence from the hydroaid initiative


The main aim of this study was to clarify the current literary inconsistencies regarding the characteristics of entrepreneurial leadership and its impact on sustainability. Additionally, another aim was to establish the framework of entrepreneurial leadership and to highlight the main gaps in the entrepreneurial leadership literature. The entrepreneurial leadership literature started to develop recently as a new leadership style that is required to fulfill the current business changes in the fourth industrial revolution. The researchers conducted a narrative literature review to assess the status of entrepreneurial leadership in academia, literature gaps, and the impact of entrepreneurial leadership on the sustainability performance of organizations. Furthermore, the researchers main aim was to investigate the following research question: is entrepreneurial leadership a fixed or a multidimensional concept that differs based on industry, context, and firm size? Regarding the answer to this question, the current study found that entrepreneurial leadership is a multidimensional concept as it is reflected in different perspectives, which indicates the inconsistency of the characteristics of entrepreneurial leadership claimed in the literature. Research limitations—the current study focused on assessing the literature review status of entrepreneurial leadership. Based on that, this study’s limitation is represented in not focusing on testing entrepreneurial leadership’s impact on sustainability either quantitatively or qualitatively. On the contrary, it contributed by analyzing the status of the entrepreneurial leadership literature. Future studies need to further assess this relationship between both concepts and reach an agreement about the common characteristics of entrepreneurial leadership. Originality/value—the current study contributes to the entrepreneurial leadership literature as it highlighted the existing gaps and the inconsistency in the literature. Additionally, it contributed theoretically by connecting entrepreneurial leadership to the existing literature. Furthermore, empirically, it highlighted the contribution of entrepreneurial leadership by emphasizing the impact of it on organizational sustainable development performance. This study represents a call for scholars to focus more on entrepreneurial leadership given its contribution to organizational performance.



Nada Rabie, Ph.D., is a part time assistant professor at several universities in United Arab Emirates. She published in Q1 Scopus indexed journals and presented in several international and national conferences. She has more than ten years of working experience in academia and market research. Her research interest includes innovation, open innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability, organizational practices, and employability. She studied business management with a specialization on innovation, entrepreneurship and HRM at British University in Dubai.


Siva Shankar S

Title: To Design an Optimized Renewable Energy Source based Grid Integration System to Mitigate the Power Quality Issues


In the modern era, environmental issues and energy demands are increased due to the Power quality issues for Renewable Energy Sources (RES). Moreover, RES system is linked to the grid system to meet the integrated design parameters and load demand conditions. The main power quality issues are (i) frequency and voltage fluctuations, (ii) harmonics distortion. These issues are introduced by power electronics gadgets used in RES. Therefore, to control the power quality issues Fuzzy logic controller based Grey Wolf optimization model is developed. Then, the random forest algorithm (RFA) is integrated with developed model to optimize the power quality problems on off grid system. Moreover, power quality enhancement strategies are used to enhance the RES with grid connected system performance. Consequently, present research implementation is performed in MATLAB/Simulink platform and performance were analyzed. Then, the proposed model is validated with other optimization strategy as well as control strategies to prove the effectiveness of the proposed model.


Dr.Siva Shankar S is Currently working as an Associate Professor and Dean Foreign Affairs in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KG Reddy College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, INDIA. He completed his B.Tech in Anna University, M.Tech in MS University and Ph.D in BHARATH University. He has Completed his Post doc Research in Industrial University of HO Chi Minch, Vietnam. He has published 20+ Journal papers and 20+ Patents. He got awarded for highest number of patents filed in the year 2019 by Indian Book of Records. His research interest includes security, Renewable Energy, Image processing and Data Analytics.

Matthew Pearce

Title: Advantages of Green Fuels from Thermochemical rather than Electrochemical Production


Hydrogen and Methanol are both green fuels that can be produced either thermochemically or electrochemically.    Hydrothermal Gasification is a process that uses wet feedstock, eliminating the energy intensivity of drying waste biomass feedstock prior to processing. Hydrothermal Gasification  comprises multiple simultaneous thermochemical classes of chemical reactions including: hydrolysis, decomposition, depolymerisation and repolymerisation, deamination, water-gas shift reaction, methanation and hydrogenation. Companies working to deploy methanol at large voluemtric scale as a fuel for the global maritime industry often endorse two main technical routes of production – either electrolysed hydrogen and carbon captured carbon dioxide conversion into methanol, or methane/biomass gasification via Fischer–Tropsch to synthetic fuels and methanol. E-methanol has been computationally modelled to determine at what size of production plant methanol derived from electrolysis becomes cost-effective. 32 methanol production scenarios from either large-scale e-methanol plants or very large-scale e-methanol plants were modelled with an e-methanol price between €200 and €500/ton (i.e. comparable with petroleum-based methanol) and an electricity cost of €30 or €40/MWh. The study concludes that only 1 of 32 of the large plants and only 6 of 32 of the very large-scale plants will achieve a positive net present value within a 20-year period. PuriFire Labs has developed a unique thermochemical approach for the conversion of carbon-based waste  into methanol including industrial waste heat recycling potential. Our independent mass energy balance analysis inducates significant cost and energy savings compared to incumbent methanol production pathways. We maximise hydrogen and carbon dioxide composition in outputs from hydrothermal gasification to achieve the optimal stoichiometric ratio to go directly into methanol production.


Matthew Pearce’s early entrepreneurial work formed a company to use solar power to convert organic matter in a high pressure environment into useful products such as fish feed and bio-crude via hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL). Following his PhD in algal biofuels from Cranfield University, Matthew developed a specific design and filed for a patent of a version of the hydrothermal liquefaction reactor design. The business plan pivoted from solar as the sole source of thermal energy, to include multiple other sources of thermal energy and the business changed names to become Purifire Labs. The company intended to utilise their core patented technology to make biocrude using waste plastic as a feedstock, but lacked sufficient market traction for this use case, given atmospheric carbon emissions and life-cycle analysis considerations. Another factor was that biocrude is difficult to use without post-production petroleum refining.

PuriFire Labs has now pivoted to higher temperature and pressure to convert sources of waste carbon and water into methanol via hydrothermal gasification and catalytic methanol production.