
Jun 15-16, 2023    Zurich, Switzerland
4th International Conference on

Respiratory Disease and Care

Ashwani Verma

Ashwani Verma

DIT University India

Title: Smartphone enabled home based self-management informatics platform for COPD in India


Background: COPD is one of the prominent causes of mortality, morbidity, and disability among chronic respiratory diseases. Digital health interventions exist to provide various healthcare services to individuals diagnosed with COPD. Training and support to COPD patients on self-management of their COPD status improves health-related QoL and can reduce unplanned hospital visits and admissions.
Method: A prospective non-randomized study will be conducted to implement the self-management informatics platform among 164 COPD patients (82 each in the intervention and control group) in the selected hospital in India. Mixed methods will be conducted among identified COPD patients to assess the impact of the COPD self-management informatics tools.

Intervention: Identified COPD patients (GOLD-2 and 3) will be provided a smartphone application that includes educational videos in the local language on breathing techniques, airway clearance techniques, exercise training, fatigue management, counseling on physical activities, nutrition, smoking cessation, and spirometry. Control group: COPD patients assigned to the control group will be treated with a standard treatment regime for their COPD.
Data Analysis: Data will be analyzed using statistical software like SPSS 21 version. The continuous variable will be summarized using mean and standard deviation and frequencies will be reported for categorical data. Independent or student t-tests will be used to analyze the mean difference between intervention and control groups. The chi-square test will be used for comparison between groups. Logistic regression will be done where the outcome variable is dichotomous.
Conclusion: Smartphone-enabled informatics platforms may assist COPD patients in the management of exacerbations, reduced healthcare facility admissions, hospitalization days, and health-related quality of life.