Title: RE-INVENTING DEMOCRACY Will citizens societies being overflown by artificial intelligence and global players?
Industrial massproduction is no longer the main source of economic value creation. Industrial companies have disappeared from the list of the world’s largest companies, and so we have left the industrial society. Many of the largest companies are Big Tech companies such as Google, Meta, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft. These companies have grown larger and richer than most countries in the world, which makes them more powerful than most countries.
Big Tech companies are not only larger, richer and more powerful than countries, they are also on pole position to implement the currently most powerful digital technology: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Technology experts (such as Google’s CTO Ray Kurzweil) expect that AI will surpass ‘human level intelligence’ by 2030. Big Tech companies are preparing to combine AI with robots – creating ‘humanoids’ – and combine AI with human brains – creating cyborgs. The consequence of these developments will be that humans will no longer be the most intelligent organisms on earth.
The key question is, Who will decide on the adoption of these intelligent artificial creations in societies? Big Tech companies, together with Non Governmental Organisations (Ngo’s) such as WHO and WEF, are preparing to exploit their monopoly positions, and change governance systems around the globe to form a ‘New World Order’. This World Order is meant to serve the interests of the global players: companies and NGOs. Yet, the interests of citizens are not yet represented in the World Order governance system.
Many of the world’s nation states are democracies, with citizens having influence on public issues and on choosing their public leaders. Yet, the nation state is no longer the ‘dominant economic scale’. Globalisation has become the main arena for public issues and commercial interests, while democracy has not been developed to represent citizens at the global scale. Democracy needs to be re-invented.
In ‘Democracy 4.0’ (De Wit, VMN, 2023) it is argued that global leaders need to pass two tests (Karl Popper, 1933): the Integrity Test and the Competence Test. The Integrity Test is a measure of integrity to decide on behalf of citizens and supported by citizens, and the Competence Test is a measure the level of relevant knowledge and skills. High scores on both dimensions lead to a high Public Merit Score (PM Score). A high PM Score is a prerequisite for any delegate to qualify for becoming a candidate member of a Global Citizens Forum – a newly established democratic leadership forum – and a democratic process will choose the Integer and Competent Citizens Representatives.
Bob de Wit is Professor of Strategic Leadership at Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands, and Chairman of Cooperative Society 4.0. His book ‘Strategy: An international perspective’ (8° edition, 2023) is being used as the main strategy text at universities and business schools in over 75 countries at all continents. Bob’s research is focused on the current societal revolution towards a society dominated by Artificial Intelligence and by global companies that are larger and richer than most countries in the world. His recent books are ‘Society 4.0: Resolving eight key issues to build a citizens society (VMN, 2021) and Democracy 4.0: Reinventing democracy to serve citizens in Society 4.0 (VMN, 2023).
Title: Artificial intelligence applied in business operations
The rural tourism is started in Fanggan village since 1998. The main industry was converted from agriculture to the rural tourism in this village. However, farm lands and the number of agricultural workers has been greatly reduced, it cannot simply be optimistic about the future of the village to only focus on tourism. The rural tourism is very popular there are similar rural tourism at many villages in China. Fanggan village is also already face to the next step to explore the features to their own unique development strategies. Every business are managements by the village collective group in this village. Except for the rural tourism industry, they have the nursing homes, the rehabilitation center, and many second-houses for urban people s such as the welfare health preservation industry. Their tourism has evolved from the rule tourism to the health tourism certunly. They understand the changes and demands of society, thereby making the development style of the village.
Masumi Kikuchi is an Associate Professor in College of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations, University of Waseda. She worked in Chinese Universities for 4 years (Guangdong Peizheng College and Qingdao University of Technology). She is researching about national resources management, environment policy, eco-tourism in Asia, especially in China, Japan, and the Southeast Asia. Her representative book is “Nouson-Keikan no Shigen-ka (Process of the Rural Landscape as New Resource – The Dynamic Strategy for Rice Terracces Conservation in Chinese Village Communities)” Ochanomizu-shobo press, 2016. Although the multifaceted functions of agriculture are emphasized and the beauty of rural landscapes is highly appreciated, few farmers are able to make a living from such landscapes. This book asks whether it is possible for farmers to create livelihoods sustained by a rural landscape within a market economy amidst agricultural decline and the impoverishment of rural communities. To achieve this aim, "Resourcification of the Rural Landscape," which forms the title of this book, is necessary. "Resourcification of the Rural Landscape" is considered using field surveys.
Title: Predictive data and disruptive technologies : the driving forces of tomorrow’s strategic thinking
Those who try to formulate a business strategy today are more likely than not to resort to common modes that evolved over the past two or three decades. Many of those have, however, become obsolete. And those who would attempt at resorting to those yesterdays’ strategic thinking frameworks will, more likely than not, end up empty handed. They will stumble across worn out concepts and fragile operational skeletons. Five forces , competitive advantage , strengths and weaknesses and threats and opportunities among others sound hollow in today's world of generative artificial intelligence , IoT and GPT. What is the replacement, one may ask? . The replacement, in this authors view, is a strategy formulation process induced by two prime conceptual and operational frameworks : data sciences and disruptive technologies. Those two driving forces will not only shape the cellulite and contents of today's strategic thinking process but they will have a long arm reaching far beyond today’s time horizon. And this will be the focus of the following article.The article’s core hypothesis is that the process of strategic thinking of tomorrow is driven by two forces : data sciences and technologies that have never existed before.Data sciences will give us predictive analysis as a potent fog piercing instrument. Novel technologies or technologies that have never existed before will reveal the foundations of an ultimate decision making vehicle : the integrated circuit.The article analyses the premises of each of those “driving forces” and concludes with a conceptual model demonstrating the possible outcome of the interaction between those driving forces.Analysis is qualitative. Underlying premises are drawn from contemporary pertinent research. The ultimate conceptual model is deductive exploring relationships between variables and their possible derivative outcomes.
Prof El Namaki is an authority in strategic management and management applications of Artificial Intelligence. He is founder and past Dean of Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands) and is currently Dean of VU School of Management (Switzerland). He taught and consulted Worldwide. Clients included key MNCs as Philips (Netherlands) and Time Inc. (USA) as well as international organizations as the World Bank, UNDP and the EU. He published 7 books and more than 100 articles.He also taught at key universities and business schools including Sheffield (UK), Beijing (PRC) and Maastricht (Netherlands). His recent publications include pioneering work on strategic thinking in the age of artificial intelligence. His forthcoming book deals with the Neo foundations of strategic management. He received awards from several governments including the government of Malaysia and the government of the People’s Republic of China.
Title: Integration of internet of things (IoT) with blockchain technology to enhance humanitarian logistics performance
The escalation in the frequency and magnitude of both natural and manmade disasters around the world is of rising distress for the economic and social development of the concerned countries. Natural disasters cannot be stopped, nevertheless, it is possible to mitigate the effects of disaster through proper humanitarian logistics (HL). The performance of HL cannot be increased as a whole. It is therefore vital that the actors involved in the HL process adjust, modify and reconfigure their HL process by increasing their performance to the circumstances arising from these disasters. Taking into consideration the importance of HL in reducing the effects of disasters through fast, fair and safe HL, this project aims to explore the question: “How can the performance of HL be improved through the Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) with Blockchain technology?” The primary information will be collected through a structured questionnaire from different actors participating in humanitarian supply chain (HSC) in Pakistan. The project model is reflective, hence a covariance-based structure equation model (CB-SEM) on the basis of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with SmartPLS software will be applied. The research will test the variables reliability, validity, goodness of fit (GoF), and psychometrical soundness of the hypothesized model. The project results are expected to show the influence of predictor variables (IoT and Blockchain) on response variable (HL performance) mediated by Transparency. Moreover, the results are anticipated to be valuable for all stakeholders of disaster risk management, specifically for governments, donors and humanitarian organizations (HOs), as they are insistently looking for strategies to support afflicts. Furthermost significantly, the project will raise consciousness regarding fast, fair and safe HL. Additionally, this project will reveal research gaps and promising areas for future research. The project will provide an enormous understanding of IoT and Blockchain in HL applying empirical data, that has not been investigated before.
Muhammad Khan received the M.S. degree in international business from American College Dublin, Ireland, and the Ph.D. degree in international business from Yeungnam University, South Korea, in August 2019. He is currently working as a Lecturer of marketing with the Department of Management Sciences, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Pakistan. He is also a Ph.D. Supervisor nominated by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. He has coauthored over 28 research articles, in leading international journals, including IEEE Access, Sustainability, Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and the International Journal of Supply Chain Management. His research interests include humanitarian logistics, humanitarian supply chain, and supply chain and logistics. He is on editorial and reviewer boards in different journals of supply chain and business administration.
Title: Integration of internet of things (IoT) with blockchain technology to enhance humanitarian logistics performance
The escalation in the frequency and magnitude of both natural and manmade disasters around the world is of rising distress for the economic and social development of the concerned countries. Natural disasters cannot be stopped, nevertheless, it is possible to mitigate the effects of disaster through proper humanitarian logistics (HL). The performance of HL cannot be increased as a whole. It is therefore vital that the actors involved in the HL process adjust, modify and reconfigure their HL process by increasing their performance to the circumstances arising from these disasters. Taking into consideration the importance of HL in reducing the effects of disasters through fast, fair and safe HL, this project aims to explore the question: “How can the performance of HL be improved through the Integration of Internet of Things (IoT) with Blockchain technology?” The primary information will be collected through a structured questionnaire from different actors participating in humanitarian supply chain (HSC) in Pakistan. The project model is reflective, hence a covariance-based structure equation model (CB-SEM) on the basis of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with SmartPLS software will be applied. The research will test the variables reliability, validity, goodness of fit (GoF), and psychometrical soundness of the hypothesized model. The project results are expected to show the influence of predictor variables (IoT and Blockchain) on response variable (HL performance) mediated by Transparency. Moreover, the results are anticipated to be valuable for all stakeholders of disaster risk management, specifically for governments, donors and humanitarian organizations (HOs), as they are insistently looking for strategies to support afflicts. Furthermost significantly, the project will raise consciousness regarding fast, fair and safe HL. Additionally, this project will reveal research gaps and promising areas for future research. The project will provide an enormous understanding of IoT and Blockchain in HL applying empirical data, that has not been investigated before
Junghan Bae is working as Professor in the department of international economics and business at Yeungnam University, South Korea. He received Ph.D. degree from Busan National University, South Korea. He was a foreigner researcher from 1993, 3 to 1994, 3 in Waseda University, Japan. He was a visiting scholar in 2001 at Washington State University, USA. His research interests include International Trade Law. He has presented and published his research work in many reputed national and international journals.
Title: From Internet access devices usage to behavioural model
India has made reasonable progress in improving access to last-mile healthcare over the last decade. However, the improved access has not reached the 29 states equally In addition, existing facilities, both public and private, face acute shortage of qualified personnel (fully trained doctors, lab technicians) as well as facilities and medical supplies. A large proportion of population (10,000+ per lakh) suffer from chronic illnesses, however, less than 50% of them seek treatment for the same.
A passionate business leader with 20+ years of global experience in developing and delivering innovative solution across various domains with focus on healthcare. An Alumnus of IIMC (IIM Calcutta) & SHIP (Shippensburg University, PA USA) as well incubatee at IIMC Inniovation Park, I founded Medi360, A Tele-Health service provider with a vision to provide accessible and affordable quality primary healthcare services across rural India.
At a personal level, I always had interest in working for an affordable technology solution that can benefit underserved Indian population at large. I quit my job in 2015 and founded Medi360 with a vision to make Medi360 as default primary healthcare service provider in all rural/undeserved population of India with a vision to make a measurable impact ( 5 millions individual per year within the next 5 years).
Title: Strategic Alignment, to Improve Business Performance and promote Organizational Culture
Strategic alignment is a mechanism by which an organization can visualize the relationship between its business processes and strategies. It is a crucial arrangement of the various internal and external elements of any organization. Achieving strategic alignment is considered an essential requirement for business success. However, many organizations focus only on challenges existing in the external business environment during strategic planning process, despite the key reason many of them fail is their inability to tackle the internal issues. Organizations that are not strategically aligned often are struggled about their business priorities and focus areas, make ineffective decisions, and face critical conflicts. This may leave middle management and employees unmotivated, feel disappointed and reflect badly on their performance. Unfortunately, alignment between doesn't come naturally, it needs planning, hard work and communication. In order to achieve positive strategic alignment, an organization must address both internal and external obstacles effectively. Organizations that are well-aligned are able to generate better results and high level of performance because their people and teams are working towards achieving common strategic goals. Strategic alignment can close the gap between the strategy and execution and create high-performance cultures. It reflects the degree of alignment which exists between all strategy elements.
Khalid has over 18 years’ experience in industry across various fields, operations and maintenance, engineering, asset management, project management and strategic planning. Khalid has been involved heavily in implementing the best industry practices in strategy and planning. Also, he was in charge for capital investment plans for new assets based on cost effective methodology within the company. Khalid is currently working as Business Planning and Performance Manager in Marafiq, power and utility company. Khalid holds a Master degree from Malaysia university and Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals.
Title: Data-driven decision making - Guiding organizations towards an “AI proof” status
Daniel Amobtiwon Amoatika is a nurse by profession and works with one of the private hospitals in Ghana. He holds a BSc in Nursing and currently pursuing a Master of Philosophy degree in Applied Epidemiology and Diseases Control at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana. Daniel has 2 years of public practice and 3 years of private practices as a nurse. He has also been involved in outbreak investigations of infectious diseases in Ghana. He has presented an abstract on money handling practices among food vendors in the University of Ghana at the 1th TEPHINET conference in Thailand. Daniel grew up in one of the remote villages of Ghana and is passionate about controlling infectious diseases.
Cholera is a major health problem facing most developing countries. Globally, 132, 121 cholera cases were reported in 2016. About 54% of these cases were recorded in Africa. Between June 2014 and January 2015, a total of 28,922 cholera cases including 243 deaths were reported in Ghana. WHO estimates that the true incidence of Cholera far exceeds the reported cases. We evaluated the cholera surveillance system to determine whether the system was meeting its objectives, and to assess its attributes. We evaluated the cholera surveillance system in the Ga East municipality. We interviewed staff of the GEMA on the operation of the system. We used semi structured questionnaire to assess the attributes of the system. We reviewed data from the weekly and monthly IDSR and also from the district Health information management system from 2012-2016. We also reviewed annual reports and scientific papers. We applied the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems. Summarized descriptive analysis of qualitative data was done and presented in graphs and charts. The cholera surveillance is well situated in the IDSR. The case definition is clear, simple and easy to apply. The system is able to detect cases and notify the next level. The data matches with the case base forms. However, the entries in the case base forms were not complete. Positive predictive value could not be assessed as no single case was confirmed by laboratory test. CBSVs attrition was high in the municipality. However, Community health nurses were used as a replacement for the CBSVs. The system is meeting some of its objectives. The system is simple, flexible and acceptable. The system is fairly representative, stable but the data quality is low. Sentinel surveillance should be implemented as routine training of healthcare workers on reporting and proper documentation of suspected cases.
Title: Trust in Artificial Intelligence: What do we know and why is it important?
Summarized descriptive analysis of qualitative data was done and presented in graphs and charts. The cholera surveillance is well situated in the IDSR. The case definition is clear, simple and easy to apply. The system is able to detect cases and notify the next level. The data matches with the case base forms. However, the entries in the case base forms were not complete. Positive predictive value could not be assessed as no single case was confirmed by laboratory test. CBSVs attrition was high in the municipality. However, Community health nurses were used as a replacement for the CBSVs. The system is meeting some of its objectives. The system is simple, flexible and acceptable. The system is fairly representative, stable but the data quality is low. Sentinel surveillance should be implemented as routine training of healthcare workers on reporting and proper documentation of suspected cases.
Narmina Rufat Abdullayeva is a nurse by profession and works with one of the private hospitals in Ghana. He holds a BSc in Nursing and currently pursuing a Master of Philosophy degree in Applied Epidemiology and Diseases Control at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana. Daniel has 2 years of public practice and 3 years of private practices as a nurse. He has also been involved in outbreak investigations of infectious diseases in Ghana. He has presented an abstract on money handling practices among food vendors in the University of Ghana at the 1th TEPHINET conference in Thailand. Daniel grew up in one of the remote villages of Ghana and is passionate about controlling infectious diseases
Title: Facial detection and recognition in social networks (Images, videos)
Another big challenge for medical tourism is the advancement and the country positioning through the medical services, hygiene and how advance they are, do they have a big names and experts in surgeries!!, do you have any expert in sub-specialties !! Those are the client questions .also preparing some touristic trips with reasonable prices will support your trust ability and reputation. Some countries are preferable destination for the war injury patients, those patients saw the death by their eyes .this is another challenge that face health care provider as they need psychological treatment beside their medical treatment with a special consideration, fortunately the governments cover all their medical trip and their full treatment and travel back safe to their country. Finally medical tourism consist of two words which are medical and tourism the fastest growing industries in the whole world (By Dr. Tomislav Meštrović, 2018), having many challenges to fortify the business future in the country, association and also the expert consultants will reflect a good reputation by good plan and strategy to invade this niche market .
Bilal Shams is an experienced pharmacist by profession and works with more than one of the private international health care facilities in Egypt in the field of medical tourism. She holds a BSc in pharmacy and also Post graduated of Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) major in project management. Monica has 6 years’ experience in pharmaceutical practice and 4 other years in medical tourism industry. She has professional certified trainer from the American university of Cairo also been involved in Digital marketing online and offline branding regarding the field of medical tourism and its inquiries in Egypt. Also completed marketing diploma from Victoria business school she has presented her healthcare group in many international medical tourism events, international associations and embassies. Monica is interested in patient counseling and customer behavior