Title: Strategic Alignment, to Improve Business Performance and promote Organizational Culture
Strategic alignment is a mechanism by which an organization can visualize the relationship between its business processes and strategies. It is a crucial arrangement of the various internal and external elements of any organization. Achieving strategic alignment is considered an essential requirement for business success. However, many organizations focus only on challenges existing in the external business environment during strategic planning process, despite the key reason many of them fail is their inability to tackle the internal issues. Organizations that are not strategically aligned often are struggled about their business priorities and focus areas, make ineffective decisions, and face critical conflicts. This may leave middle management and employees unmotivated, feel disappointed and reflect badly on their performance. Unfortunately, alignment between doesn't come naturally, it needs planning, hard work and communication. In order to achieve positive strategic alignment, an organization must address both internal and external obstacles effectively. Organizations that are well-aligned are able to generate better results and high level of performance because their people and teams are working towards achieving common strategic goals. Strategic alignment can close the gap between the strategy and execution and create high-performance cultures. It reflects the degree of alignment which exists between all strategy elements.
Khalid has over 18 years’ experience in industry across various fields, operations and maintenance, engineering, asset management, project management and strategic planning. Khalid has been involved heavily in implementing the best industry practices in strategy and planning. Also, he was in charge for capital investment plans for new assets based on cost effective methodology within the company. Khalid is currently working as Business Planning and Performance Manager in Marafiq, power and utility company. Khalid holds a Master degree from Malaysia university and Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals.