Title: Predictive data and disruptive technologies : the driving forces of tomorrow’s strategic thinking
Those who try to formulate a business strategy today are more likely than not to resort to common modes that evolved over the past two or three decades. Many of those have, however, become obsolete. And those who would attempt at resorting to those yesterdays’ strategic thinking frameworks will, more likely than not, end up empty handed. They will stumble across worn out concepts and fragile operational skeletons. Five forces , competitive advantage , strengths and weaknesses and threats and opportunities among others sound hollow in today's world of generative artificial intelligence , IoT and GPT. What is the replacement, one may ask? . The replacement, in this authors view, is a strategy formulation process induced by two prime conceptual and operational frameworks : data sciences and disruptive technologies. Those two driving forces will not only shape the cellulite and contents of today's strategic thinking process but they will have a long arm reaching far beyond today’s time horizon. And this will be the focus of the following article.The article’s core hypothesis is that the process of strategic thinking of tomorrow is driven by two forces : data sciences and technologies that have never existed before.Data sciences will give us predictive analysis as a potent fog piercing instrument. Novel technologies or technologies that have never existed before will reveal the foundations of an ultimate decision making vehicle : the integrated circuit.The article analyses the premises of each of those “driving forces” and concludes with a conceptual model demonstrating the possible outcome of the interaction between those driving forces.Analysis is qualitative. Underlying premises are drawn from contemporary pertinent research. The ultimate conceptual model is deductive exploring relationships between variables and their possible derivative outcomes.
Prof El Namaki is an authority in strategic management and management applications of Artificial Intelligence. He is founder and past Dean of Maastricht School of Management (Netherlands) and is currently Dean of VU School of Management (Switzerland). He taught and consulted Worldwide. Clients included key MNCs as Philips (Netherlands) and Time Inc. (USA) as well as international organizations as the World Bank, UNDP and the EU. He published 7 books and more than 100 articles.He also taught at key universities and business schools including Sheffield (UK), Beijing (PRC) and Maastricht (Netherlands). His recent publications include pioneering work on strategic thinking in the age of artificial intelligence. His forthcoming book deals with the Neo foundations of strategic management. He received awards from several governments including the government of Malaysia and the government of the People’s Republic of China.