Title: Prevention and Movements Analysis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Partial Rupture by Using Fifa 11+ For Amateur Adult Male Soccer Player
Introduction: Sports participation often lead to a wide range of injuries like fractures, muscle and ligament sprains, central nervous system dysfunction, internal organ damage, or concussion. The effect of ACL injuries is mostly reduced functional performance, joint effusion, muscle weakness, or change in movement. The human body has intrinsic ability to defend itself by instinct, but it is imperative especially in sports to train the body to be more effective in resisting injuries through the exploitation of the body’s natural defense mechanisms. The FIFA 11+ program aims at doing this some studies have shown that players who performed the FIFA+ routine regularly had 30-50% fewer sports injuries. Aim: is to reach a stable balanced knee through proprioception stimulation by applying FIFA 11+.
Mr. Theeb Alsalem holds B.Sc. in Physiotherapy from Semmelweis University, Hungary Budapest. He is Presently working as Physical therapist at King Abdulaziz Medical City. National Guard Health Affairs, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Araba. He is Interesting about Neuroscience and Human Health. Mr. Theeb is specialist in neurological cases and more in neurorehabilitation technologies & techniques. I am part time job working for neurology solutions worki11g in healthcare and human health field plus neuroscience.