Skin Essentials for the Plastic Surgeon
The Essentials skin care line is made for all skin types which includes normal, acne/oily, dry/anti-aging and hyperpigmentation. All products are formed for the benefit of individual skin type with very less steps in your daily routine. Essentials skin care products are formed according to pharmaceutical standards and norms of purity, potency, and stability. All active ingredients, the concentration and dosing protocols are hold up by the data published in peer evaluated medical literature.
Skincare Focus: Acne, Scar and Pigmentary Disorders
Acne damages the face in a maximum of cases, with many patients experiencing some forms of scarring, the severity of which relates to acne grade. The preclinical inflammation and irritation in acne stays throughout the acne lesion’s life cycle, from micro-comedones to closed comedones to inflammatory lesions and eventually to post inflammatory erythema (PIE), post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), and scarring. Expectation management is important in approaching the debate on treatment options. The approach to treatment of acne scarring includes both a comprehensive physical exam of the patient and a discussion regarding patient goals, concerns, and tolerance of various treatment options.
Rhinoplasty and Otoplasty
A plastic surgery area that makes a stylish, facially comparative and useful nose by removing nasal skin and delicate tissue from the Osseo-cartilaginous nasal structure. In general surgeries open and close Rhinoplasty methods are being used. Non-Identical skin fold systems are used in the surgeries, for example, Bilobed fold, mucosal fold, Septalflap and Paramedian Forehead fold. Rhinoplasty and Otoplasty is definitely possible in the same time with incredible achievement.
Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive surgery is always per formed with cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery is performed to enhance/restore the normal function, Regain the normal appearance of "abnormal" or "malformed" body parts because of any disease or condition and/or enhance the patient's quality of life.
Pediatric Craniofacial Surgery
Craniofacial surgery treats conditions which affect the bones and soft tissues of the head and face. This small area of your body is very complex. It affects how you see, hear, breathe, chew, swallow, and interact with other people and even how your brain grows.
New Science in Anti-Aging
While ageing is a natural process, we humans have always found a solution to fight against it. Most people would like to slow the ticking of nature’s time clock and tack some healthy, active years onto their lives. But the search for longevity has proven to be evasive. Medical researchers have sought through various means to tap the brakes on the aging process, stem the onset of age-associated diseases, and increase the normal lifespan.
Facial Plastic Surgery
Facial plastic surgery is done to regain the structures in the head and neck- typically the nose, ears, chin, cheekbones and neckline. People those who have surgery may be motivated by a desire to regain the face after an injury or disease or to change a feature present from birth. Or they may want to renew the signs of aging, eliminate contour irregularities or make the features of the face appear in proportion with one another.