Title: Global business expansion
Milan started as a call center agent in Signal Iduna Insurance & Finance company in Stuttgart, Germany in 2004. Soon after he joined the sales team as a door to door Salesman, acquired necessary licensing and grew to be an Insurance Agent, later Insurance and Finance agency owner. Joining Generali Insurance and being mandated to set up the Sales Force of a newly acquired Insurance company in Serbia which grew to 320 active and profitable salespeople and two additional departments, sales controlling and sales support department. Joining Banking group Societe Generale, first as Commercial director with responsibilities in Sales, Marketing and Product development and later in a second entity, as directors committee member responsible for the same. In 2018 joining wefox as Global Chief Sales Office, Managing director of the operational entities and later also Insurance relations director. Since March 2021 operating as an independent Senior Business Advisor and Consultant for major Insuretech and Fintech Startups.