3rd Webinar on Digital Forensic is going to be held on March 27, 2021 which is based on the theme: Developing Digital Forensic Practitioners.
Digital Forensic webinar includes Forensic DNA Analysis, Forensic Pathology and Diagnosis/ Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, Victimology, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Odontology/And new innovations of forensic research and technology. which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Workshops/Symposia, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions. The theme of the conference is, “Developing Digital Forensic Practitioners”. Digital Forensic 2021 is the premier event that brings together a unique and international mix of experts, researchers, and decision-makers both from academia and industry across the globe to exchange their knowledge, expertise, and research innovations to build a world-class Digital Forensic 2021.