
August 30, 2021    London, UK

4th International Webinar on Food Safety

Sruthi Josyula

Sruthi Josyula

Institute of Chemical Technology, IOC India

Title: Importance of Food Safety during this Pandemic


Food safety is a major concern specially during this pandemic keeping in mind the consumer health and safety. Food safety always has been one of the very important preliminary steps during the complete food supply chain. Food safety helps eliminates in eliminating contaminations such as physical, chemical, biological, etc. Providing the consumers with safe and hygienic food products. Also, The Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 defines Food Safety as an "assurance that food is acceptable for human consumption according to its intended use." We shall also study about the necessary improvements required to maintain food safety throughout the food supply chain, also knowing about the different certifications for food safety. The importance to protect the workforce in the food industries and the necessary steps to be followed specially during this covid pandemic. Also, external vulnerabilities for the operation need to be considered when reviewing the necessary measures to avoid/minimize the spread of COVID-19. For instance, disruptions in food production, the food supply chain, trade that relates to control of COVID-19 by other parties and impact on a business workforce or external inspections. Such conditions may include economical pressures on workers and their families, housing and transport conditions, literacy, etc. that make it difficult for workers to follow the strict COVID-19 mitigation measures of for instance abstaining from work, physical distancing, personal hygiene. While food safety measures and occupational safety measures target different aspects of consumer safety and worker/public health, the two together are complementary and, with a properly upgraded system, responsible food businesses will be able to significantly contribute to the protection of the health of their employees and consumers, as well as to their responsibility to help control the spread of COVID-19 in society


Sruthi Josyula is a  Food Technology Student from Hyderabad, Telangana, India