
April 27, 2021    ,

Webinar on Health Economics


Health financing policy focuses on pooling and mobilizing financial resources and allocating them to health care providers in an equitable and efficient way. This will enable provision of essential health services of good quality to all, in populations in rural areas, and especially to the poorer communities. In the context of post-Ebola health systems recovery, the national health financing policies and strategies need to be operationalized and refocused in order to effectively contribute to the revive of district health systems, while following these guiding principles.

People health economics play a leading role in optimizing scarce resources to improve health outcomes. It provides a foundation for the knowledge of health economics as applied in the wider context of health services research. people health economics display the student to the large related academic disciplines of importance in understanding the interaction of economics and global health, such as epidemiology, people health and policy analysis.

The value of medicine, both in terms of cost and efficacy, is the central concern of pharmaceutical economics. Read this article to learn more about this field of economics and about careers for pharmaceutical economists. Inside Pharmaceutical Economics Pharmaceutical economics, also known as pharmacoeconomics deals with supply and demand of pharmaceutical products, as well as the cost-benefit evaluation of new and existing drugs.

The rapid growth of Hospital management enlarge the application of hardware, software, network and Integrated hospital data system have entered the majority hospitals and are getting most vital that covers a lot of elements in daily hospital operations. All over 2009–15, the market size of personal hospitals is calculable to possess a CAGR of 44.2 per cent. Max of the functions in a Hospital Services provide for the users to be easier and quicker method in doing their medical tasks with graphic program.

It deals with the world wide health including the areas of research & policies improving the health of the people achieving health equity for all people worldwide and protection against the global threats in regard of public health. Medical care market in India was valuable at about USD 2.7 billion in 2014, and this is expected to rise at a CAGR of 20 per cent over 2011–15. Health system expenditure and financing, Economic evaluation and Epidemiology and Medicine.
Speakers Interview