
July 31, 2021    ,

3rd Webinar on Human Genetics

Seidalin Nazar

Seidalin Nazar

Al‑Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan Kazakhstan

Title: Study of the frequency of occurrence of polymorphisms in patients with prostate cancer in the Kazakh population


Statement of the Problem. The incidence of prostate cancer (PCa) due to increased life expectancy is steadily increasing. Currently, a list of polymorphisms associated with the risk of tumors, their course and treatment response has been determined, but there is no convincing evidence for their clinical use.

Objective is to study the frequency of occurrence of polymorphisms in healthy men and patients with prostate cancer in the Kazakh population.


Seidalin Nazar is an oncologist. He has extensive clinical experience. In addition, he conducts research, in particular the study of a genetic predisposition to the development of cancer, since it provides an understanding of the potential mechanisms of tumor development.