
June 09, 2020    Dubai, UAE

Webinar on Healthcare and Medical Tourism


Hospital management possess a trend that is for engaging the Improving the value of conscious patients and consumers. As the exploring capital models are required to finance to a changeover in the healthcare system. For identifying the changes in management skills and expertise the leaders should be accelerate, innovate and improve the value of Healthcare System. A common thread throughout the possibilities of the findings believes that patients will become more involved in their own care.  

Digital technologies are reinventing healthcare across the patient lifecycle, enabling a more personalised, timely and cost-effective treatment journey. The influx of smarter devices, mobile solutions and patient-centred technologies means industry trends are evolving, and by 2020 the healthcare continuum as we know it today, will be unrecognisable. Generally, digital healthcare is concerned about the development of interconnected health systems so as to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and patients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing Digital healthcare is a multi-disciplinary domain which involves many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics and management.

The Healthcare Statistics briefly describes the mandatory and non-mandatory aspect of healthcare it is the state of health of individuals and also the population in general which is associated by cultural, genetic, socioeconomic circumstances and environmental factors, as well as the healthcare services that are available to prevent and to treat illness and disease.  

Medical laboratory technology play a significant role by introducing the customs for lab tests on blood, body fluids, cells and tissues by various advancements in technologies which makes the interpretation of the diseases much easier. The knowledge and expertise of the MLT contributes to innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and medical conditions. Biomedical engineering combines the design of engineering with medical sciences to advance health treatment and surgical purposes. Bioinformatics also plays a major role in analysing the biological data mainly DNA, RNA and protein sequences. Medical technology is indispensable for people's health and higher quality of life and improves economy.

The medical industry provides a vast range of healthcare services, manufacturing medical equipments and developing pharmaceuticals which also include the designing of drugs and the delivery system according to the human health. The Patent system plays a crucial role where every day new life saving drugs is introduced into the market and they are regulated by the pharmaceutical sector by the patent laws. Quality Assurance and control has a wide impact over the pharmaceutical products in order to meet the standards for the recommended use. Pharmacogenomics is the new emerging technology where the therapeutic drugs are combined with the genetics in order to meet the complex diseases.
Speakers Interview