Scientific program

June 22, 2021    ,

3rd Webinar on Orthopedics

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Dr Silverio di Rocca

Dr Silverio di Rocca

MPR International School, Italy Italy

Title: Orthopedics


Miofunctional Postural Rehabilitation is a method that seeks balance between stomatognatic system and the rest of the body, used at any age, in the dysfunctional patients and stroke patients. In medical sciences usually we have relapses in our treatments, and we are not aware for, patients with chronic pain, sometimes are visited for several specialists, without results. After that journey, they are considered as psychiatric patients. and the specialist is disappointed, this happens because does not have a holistic optic in ours therapies , a major cause for which this happens is the negative action of the stomatognathic system on the static posture altering the function of other receptors like eye and foot. Dysfunction treatment should be carried identifying the origin of the disease and therapeutic priority. The MPR will teach you to identify it and treat the disease with natural and physiological treatments


Silverio Di Rocca has completed Graduate degree in Dentistry, Post-graduate degree in Functional Orthopaedics both from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He has also done a degree in Dentistry and Prostethic at the University of Turin, Italy and a Doctorate in Dentistry and Prosthetic at University of Turin, Italy. He is the Director of the M.P.R International School, Vice President International representative and Founder of API Swiss (International Association of Posturology Switzerland). He is also a Professor in Amocoac Diplomate in Mexico and COMEI, College of Dentistry in Mexico, Associated Professor in the Fisioterapist School in Tenerife Spain, Associated Professor in I.C.O.M (International College of Osteophatic Medicine) Milan, Italy and an International Honorary member of AMOCOAC (Mexicanian Association of Cranio Facial Orthopeadic).


Yogesh Soni

Yogesh Soni

Department of Orthopedics India



Posterior dislocation of the shoulder is a rare event that often occurs as a consequence of a direct trauma or epileptic crisis. Frequently the posterior dislocations are missed, so they become neglected lesions. It can be a challenging clinical entity for orthopedic surgeons to treat this pathology. In the setting of a posterior dislocation, a large anterior humeral impaction injury (reverse Hill-Sachs) may occur, leading to engagement of the humerus with the posterior glenoid rim. A reverse Hill-Sachs is especially debilitating because of the significant portion of affected humeral head cartilage. Recent practice favors the anatomic reconstruction consisting of restoration of the cartilage surface of the humeral head using bone grafts (auto graft or allograft) to restore the articular contour of the humeral head.


Dr Yogesh Soni has completed his graduation at the age of 24 years and MS degree from TNMC Mumbai. Currently he is working as assistant professor in orthopedics department, SSIMS Bhilai, India. He has published more than 12 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an active member of various orthopedic societies.

Ayan Chatterjee

Ayan Chatterjee

Assistant Professor at Guru Nanak InstitutionsGNI India



Occupation is an important determinant of health in general and its overall positive or negative effect on well-being results from the interaction between individual characteristics and work related features, the latter comprising biomechanical, psychosocial and sociological axes. In India, about three fourth of the population are dependent on different type of crop cultivation; of which paddy cultivation is an important one. Paddy cultivation involves in various processes, some of the postures, which were taken by crop cultivators, were very harmful. Some of the works are dominated by static muscular contraction and some other works are involved with repeated dynamic activity. In this backdrop the present study has been undertaken to assess the musculoskeletal disorders and overall postural stress in 55 male food growers during transplanting of paddy seedlings in southern area of West Bengal (WB). Different working postures of the agricultural workers analyzed with the ovako working posture analysis system (OWAS), rapid upper limb assessment (RULA), and rapid entire body assessment (REBA) methods. The food growers adopt awkward postures at work and suffer from musculoskeletal disorders because they remain in such awkward postures for a prolonged period of time. From the result of the present study it was observed that those food growers worked continuously in awkward postures during certain agricultural activities. Consequently they suffered from discomfort in different parts of their body.


Ayan Chatterje, is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Physiology, Guru Nanak Institutions [Guru Nanak Institutions Technical Campus (GNITC)], Telangana State, Hyderabad, is having M. Sc. degree in Human Physiology from University of Calcutta with a first class. He has published 71 full length research papers; among them 30 as first author in Peer Reviewed Journals (International and National), Conference Proceedings and as Book Chapters and also presented papers in International and National Conferences held at different university. He also served as member of eEditorial Board and Reviewer of different International and National Journal