Sports medicine is a broad array of specialties that bridge the academic disciplines of medicine and physical education and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and well as the basic sciences (e.g., physiology, chemistry, and physics).
Sports Physiotherapy is the specialized category of physiotherapy which deals with injuries and issues related to sports people. Sports person normally require high level performance, which stresses their muscles, joints and bones to the extent limit. Sports physiotherapist help sports person to recover from sporting injuries, and provide education and resources to prevent problems.
Sport Kinesiology is program or course that focuses on the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and biophysics of human movement, and applications to exercise and therapeutic rehabilitation. Sports Traumatology deals with Increasing participation and training intensity in sports and physical activity has resulted in an increasing number of injuries as well as recognition of "new" injuries. Improved diagnostic techniques such as MRI, CT scan, and ultrasound have proven to be valuable in the diagnosis of especially soft tissue injuries.
Sports injuries can result from different causes including overtraining, overuse, improper warm-up, poor technique and impact. Pain management can be complex or simple depending on the cause of the pain. • Interventional procedures • Medication management • Physical therapy or chiropractic therapy • Psychological counseling and support • Acupuncture and other alternative therapies
Yoga is among the ancient form of exercise that focuses on your mind, body and soul. On the other hand, physical therapy, not only works to prevent osteoporosis in women and neck pain or low back pain, physical therapy is a proven weight management tool. Physical therapist can perform a full assessment of body and health targeting areas of concern and customize an exercise program designed to reduce, in fact, eliminate pain and making healthier beings. Therapists can teach the correct form for each exercise to be performed with minimal pain and strain helping getting rid of the excess pounds.
Doping and Anti- Doping Studies considers articles on all areas of the subject including exercise and health, general sports physiology, neuromuscular physiology, biomechanics, joint and muscular injury and their respective therapeutics, doping substances and their social aspects etc. Sports medicine, clinical sports medicine, sports doping, sports physiotherapy, sports orthopedics, pain mechanisms, sports podiatry, sports nutrition.
Sport psychology means applying parts of psychology to sports and athletes. One of the main ways that sports psychologists use is to help athletes meet their goals. The group of people where this sports psychologists help are professional . They can help non-professional athletes as well. mainly focus on problems the athlete has on the field but they can also help athletes with problems that they have off the field. Sport psychology is an interdisciplinary science that draws on knowledge from many related fields including, and . It involves the study of how psychological factors affect performance and how participation in sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors.
Orthopedics Sports Medicine is a subspecialty of orthopedic medicine and sports medicine. Orthopedic sports medicine is the investigation, preservation, and restoration by medical, surgical, and rehabilitative means to all structures of the musculoskeletal system affected by athletic activity. Sports injuries are injuries that happen when playing sports or exercising and some are from of accidents. Others can result from poor training practices or improper gear. The most common sports injuries are Sprains, strains, Foot, Ankle, Hip and Knee, Shoulder & Neck injuries.
Kinesiology is the science of human movement, applying the latest evidenced-based research to improve function, health and wellness of people in all settings and populations. Exercise science and kinesiology are two closely related fields of study, often used interchangeably with one another. These sciences are concerned with the human body and aspects of its movements. Exercise science focuses on the effects physical activity has on the human body. Common areas of study in kinesiology might include biomechanics, exercise physiology and motor control. Kinesiology majors use tools from molecular biology, neuroscience, engineering, medicine, and computer science to work on unique problems in a diverse array of settings. Kinesiologists are committed to enhancing quality of life through the promotion of physical activity and workplace health and safety, the prevention and management of injury, chronic disease and disability, and the overall improvement of health and performance.