Title: Paracetamol is the most unscientific and dangerous drug for fever. Anyone can create a fever within hours using antipyretic objects.
Title: “In Situ” Methotrexate Injection Followed by Hysteroscopic Resection for Caesarean Scar Pregnancy: A Single-Center Experience
Title: Exercise program in breast cancer patient with chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy:A case study
Title: Breast Implant-Associated Tumors
Title: Changes of nutritional state and eating patterns: A cohort study in Uruguay
Title: The use of vitamins in cancer patients is good or not good for them?
Title: Correlation analysis of serum GAS6, TSP1 combined with RAB7A in secondary osteoporosis caused by growth hormone deficiency
Title: Associations between remnant cholesterol and depression in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes
Title: Non-conventional plant-based ingredients in sourdough breads enhanced nutritional value and impacted on gut microbiota
Title: Prevalence of undiagnosed chronic kidney disease in diabetic patients and analysis of SGLT2i use
Title: The Role Of Physical Therapist In Advancing Rehabilitation Practices
Title: Avelumab-induced autoimmune diabetes mellitu
Title: GnRH agonists in uterine fibroids: Personalized applications and hormonal balance strategies
Title: Vitamin D3 promotes not motor coordination but motor skill learning without influence on muscle function
Title: Risk factors for suicidal ideation in patients with treatment-resistant major depressive d
Title: Individualized Strategies for Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension: Lifestyle Interventions and Clinical Monitoring During Pregnancy
Title: Efficacy of entecavir combined with traditional chinese medicine collapse therapy in the treatment of elderly patients with Chronic Hepatitis B and its impact on liver functio
Title: Expression and value of serum lnc RNA H19 and LINC 02527 in patients with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Title: Factors influencing contraceptive utilisation among postpartum adolescent mothers: A cross sectional study at China
Title: Meeting sexual reproductive health (SRH) needs of persons with disabilities: Framework for full inclusion
Title: Analysis of anxiety and depression in young adult patients with suicide attempts in the emergency department RSUP Prof. Dr. IGNG Ngoerah Denpasar
Title: How to use Technology and Marketing to become Superstars and win back our Patients from Dr. Google - Business Model and Case Study
Title: What is Behind the Orgasm Gender Gap. Online Survey Peraza Godoy, MF. . Healthy Pleasure Collective
Title: Does the gender of nurses matter to patients? A qualitative analysis of gender preferences of patients
Title: Food safety and security practices at international mega sport events
Title: From development to commercial phase: A case study on Ranibizumab biosmilar
Title: Polycystic ovary syndrome and endocrine disruptors: Assessment of phthalate Esters in women wi
Title: Having it all? A survey of mothers in medicine (and their partners) attitudes and experiences of infertility, pregnancy, and parenthood
Title: Nonsurgical vulvovaginal rejuvenation with radiofrequency for GSM
Title: A Case Report Ovarian Torsion after Ovarian Hyper stimulation Syndrome
Title: Understanding and Empathizing with Infertility Patients
Title: The Future of SexTech - Reformulating the language around sex
Title: What is behind the orgasm gender gap. Online survey
Title: The Art of Kielland rotational forceps delivery. Do we need more training, or should we abandon it? That is the question.
Title: Prevalence of Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy and Its Associations with Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Among Pregnant Women in A General Hospital: A Cross Sectional Study
Title: Recurrent spontaneous miscarriages with single test positive autoantibodies: Is there a place for corticosteroids? A pilot observational study